
Monday, November 02, 2009

[photos] our birthday boy... young saeng

Two more days... oppsies... one more day and Young Saeng will be turning 24 [his korean age]. Another year older and wiser. But Young Saeng for sure is looking really good as he grows older. Likewise, I think that he has loosen up a bit which makes him more adorable each time I see him.

Here are more clear, big and beautiful photos of Young Saeng from the shutterbug of Amorino. Heaps of thanks to 김프로 for posting on


  1. He looks so adorable in those photos... so cuuute... he showed a lot of expressions n those photos :) Hope he's going to celebrate it properly!

  2. Anonymous7:25 AM

    the 5th picture is so funny. he looks like he's going to kill someone with that knief in his hand

  3. tnx!bday boy looks so happy, wish you all the best!

  4. Oh he is soo cute, I hope when he receive the present from us today, he had the same look. Oh gosh, I wish i'm in Korea now to see his reaction when open up the present from us... Argh, for once I feel like I miss him soo much

    Thanks liezle for all this.

  5. how nice seeing leader feeding youngsaeng...

    I really want to be there...I should go book my ticket now! hahaha

  6. spring9:27 AM

    wow.. liezle thanks again these good pics...
    Happy Birthdy YS!!!
    he is super cute.... he is happy and enjoying a lot in his BD celebration...
    i also wonder his opening reaction on huge BD gift... wish someone will capture pics... hee.. at least hope his brother will take his surprise look..:P

  7. mel_12239:51 AM

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY to our dear cool Prince Young Saeng, love how he has matured and grown up, and that he has opened up to the public too, been seeing him smile more and more this year, and he looked totally Happy there at the event!

    Haha, Jen is really missing him so so much right now. Really wished we could hv sent her wrapped up inside our birthday card to him as well ^^

  8. auww.
    he's so cute.
    he's very happy there.
    tomorrow is his real birthday.
    im wordering what the ss501 members will do for him.
    hope i can be there yesterday.
    if i can be, it will be the best birthday for me. can celebrate with him.
    im 6 n he's 3.
    can celebrate together rite.

  9. Anonymous12:04 PM

    saving up all these pictures of YS - millions of thankyu- YS is uberly cute in the shots and true - can see many sides of him.... (A)

  10. LOL at the 5th picture!! silly young saeng..u can't kill anybody with that plastic knife of yours!!

    happy happy birthday!! the cutest otter in the world! ^_^

  11. totally cute!!!
    plus,tmorow is his birthday....
    he become super2 cute~~
    2 more hours left~countdown~~
    i like 3rd last picture...innocent face~~
