
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

quick news on sunday sunday night's 'hunters'

What we saw HERE [so handsome in tux!] is the showcase for Sunday Sunday Night that happened tonight at 7pm. As you already know since yesterday Hyun Joong will be part of Sunday Sunday Night that will air on MBC on December 6 at 5:30pm

I was told that Sunday Sunday Night has several corners [i think this means segments], they are 'Hunters', 'My Father' and 'Danbi' and Hyun Joong's corner where in he's one of the hosts of one corner called 'Hunters'.

According to some articles that came out tonight, Hyun Joong said that filming 'Hunters' is hard [he has to climb mountain and catch boars] and that he lost 1kg. Lee Hwijae, another MC of 'Hunters', said that he had the first recording on Nov 15 and 16.

Do you guys remember when I mentioned when SS501 arrived in Seoul from Shanghai that Hyun Joong seemed to have another schedule? Well, it seems that from the trip he had to do the 1st filming of 'Hunters' last November 15.

Remember too that yesterday, there was a news that he will be MCing this show? Well, I was told that fans are worried that he might be MCing this corner for a while since one of the MCs, Shin Jung Hwan, wasn't able to attend the showcase today because of a traffic accident. So fans are expecting that Hyun Joong will take the place of Mr. Shin until he returns.

Hyun Joong's MCing, good or bad? Me, I've mixed feelings.

Thanks to violet for this quick news.

Here are more photos from the showcase tonight.


  1. I love the 2nd to the last pic.

    Thanks for sharing liezle! :D

  2. trippi12:47 AM

    leader at the last pic = LOL
    looks like he'shaving fun with his castmates!

  3. I hope it will be a short term MC program for him...

  4. Jennifer10:18 AM

    I also like the 2nd last pic. Leader is so charming here in his tux. :D

    I think it'll be fun in MCing but I also hope he won't tired himself again.

  5. delta71:14 PM

    Thanks for sharing the pics...just looking at uri Hyun Joong, my stress from work all gone~~ his workload is heavier than other members, hope he really take care, eat well and sleep well....

  6. Bri5017:55 AM

    LOL, how funny, it's the two Ji Hoo's together :D
