
Friday, November 27, 2009

[screencap and gifs] kyu jong and hyun joong on happy together

Before I give you barrage stuffs from MuBank let me share with you first this set of screencaps and gif from 'Happy Together'. I've been wanting to post these since I saw this posted on but my computer where I was at earlier just won't cooperate. So I'm just posting these now.

Please DO NOT Hotlink the following.

GIFs from YES -


  1. trippi9:36 PM

    kyu and leader's SKIN = gorgeous! i wish i had their skin! haha

    and i love their hair.

    for some reason, i really love them in the blue outfits. :P

    it shows how handsome they really are - being able to stand out in ordinary clothing.

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Leader and kyu look so charming even in humble clothing....yes, it shows how gorgeous they really are!! Seeing leader's smile already brightened my day, hahhaa. Saranghae!
