
Saturday, November 21, 2009

sweet jung min and side story from mubank

Remember I mentioned yesterday that Jung Min looked for Leader after the announcement of winner in MuBank and gave the bouquet of flowers he's holding? There was actually a fan cam that i posted earlier but it wasn't really the actually passing that was seen.

Just a few minutes ago I saw a fancan on wherein the actual passing of the bouquet was caught on cam and that Jung Min even brought Leader back to where the other members are.

Thanks to yisaya86 for posting this on YT channel.

And here is a side story that I got from my Seoul mate which I think will make fans of Leader happy since I read some saying that they were kinda worried yesterday because Leader didn't seem as happy as in the past days. Well, here is a short story from the recording ot MuBank yesterday.

During pre-recording it was said that Leader was joking around with fans. And he was in his 4Dness.

At the pre-recording :

leader: are you cold?
fans: Ggya~~~ Yep!!
leader: it's because it's winter. [4Dness #1] ^0^
fans: kkkkkkkkk

Then later on again :

leader: in the part of 'Nun Nae-Ge Nun Nae-Ge' of our song, do you know what 'Ge' is?
fans: huh?!
leader: it's Yorkshire terrier. [4Dness #2] ^o^
(Ge sounds like dog(Gae) in Korean.)

Isn't he just cute. If others would deliver that kind of joke [say Maknae] I don't think it may sound funny at all. But hey, it's Leader after all.

P.S. SS501 were just featured in Entertainment Relay a few minutes ago. If someone happens to see the clip on YT please let us know.

P.P.S. I just saw the video of the above story and boy oh boy it's so funny and really really cute! Love how Leader joke with the green peas on the audience. Geez, I wish that the video will be shared. And Young Saeng on that vid is very playful and keep on smiling. At the end he even gave Kyu Jong a high kick.


  1. spring10:13 PM

    Thanks so much Liezle for sharing....
    arrr... JM is so sweet.... we didn't see it in yesterday clip... wonder why JM suddenly did it... i am so happy seeing their brothership always...
    and ya... leader joking with fans is really funny... i like he answered it's cos of it's winter...hehe.. yaya.. sure it is our leader style..;p he always answer very true one...haha...

  2. Karren16810:20 PM

    Oh my, JM is such a nice guy... love fancams like this... captures the true personality of SS501 :)

  3. thanks for sharing.

    sweet of Mal, and from the what is seen, the MC totally sucked, he din even bother to make room and Leader was in an awkward position standing behind, thus he need to move to the centre away from the group!!

    aniwae these 2 MC have a long way to go .. they aren't good at all!!

  4. Anonymous11:29 PM

    HJB got a hug from someone in 2PM?
    Hmm..I wonder who it was?
    JM is so nice, he wanted HJ to stand near the group so the camera can film them together but the male MC wouldn't budge. X.X

  5. karen4:12 AM

    he is such a nice guy..XD
    MC had to move out so HJ can stand by HJB...!

  6. Both Mcs should stand a the side of the 5 men...

    @saranghaeKHJoong, you are right, they are new rookies..

  7. YES...that's OUR LEADER!!

    so funny, huh?

    thank you for sharing a lovely story wiv us~~

  8. Plus JungMin is so sweet...
