
Monday, November 09, 2009

[Trans] YS & JM un-aired portion in 'Chocolate'

Following text are the translation of the cut portion of Young Saeng and Jung Min on ‘Chocolate’ that was aired last Saturday on SBS.

A dear friend from Seoul, violet, took time from her busy schedule to translate what the convo is all about.

Much much thanks violet, we really appreciate you helping us understand this portion as well as giving us bits and pieces of what’s happening with SS501 in Seoul.

Btw, the following translation will be used by Shirley/shirbogurl to cut the portion of YS and JM in the video and sub.

'Chocolate' ~ Young Saeng's Portion
Korean to English translation by : violet on Liezle’s blog

starts at mark 5.30 ~

[a bad boy in idol's clothing]

KJE : a bad boy in idol's clothing.
oh, Young Saeng ssi, what's this?
YS: I talked much about love when I last appeared
KJE: yes, you did.
YS: people who know well about love in theory are not good at love in practice.
KJE: you're right.
YS: it's true.
because i'm not good at love,
PJM: it's true. he is not.
YS: I was hurt many times. so I decided to be a bad boy.
I used to give everything to my girl.
but girls don't like such men.
KJE: we are ironically attracted to a bad boy.
YS: inspite of not a bad boy in idol's clothing, I will be a bad boy.
not kind Young Saeng, but manly...
KJE: you're so cute and look so kind though you say, "i'll be a bad boy."
PJM: watch out not to look mean.
i'm a mean guy.
KJE: why?
PJM: because of expressions...
but Young Saeng, a bad boy,
let's see his expressions.
a bad boy's expressions.
YS: what's a bad boy's expressions?
Maknae: Jung Min, show me your expressions first.
PJM: mean expression
Maknae: Jung Min first
PJM: which camera?
no3. I chose you.
I'll show you a mean look.
this is a mean one.
Maknae: how about bad one?
KJE: you look ill.
Leader: Jung Min is good at the look of Brown Eyed Girls...
Maknae: ah, Gain!
leaer: Abracadabra
KJE: what? dance?
leader: no, expression
KJE: expression?
leader: not dance. his expression is really same to that of hers.
KJE: oh, really?
PJM: I tried it first today in the waiting room.
KJE: pretty, pretty
PJM: let's see Young Saeng's
KJE: did you say to stand him up?
PJM: fans, i'm afraid of you.
go in front of me.
YS: I think that a bad boy has different sides between the front and back.
KJE: the front and back body?
YS: no, the expression, it has to be different between when faced and left.
KJE: okay, try it with me.
if you are like this, this is front and that is back.
all right?
when faced, hello?
YS: when faced,
KJE: you are cute though you make a grim face


Here is Jung Min's portion. Ah, poor Jung Min, seems that he’s not good at investing his money. He needs a good financial advisor. Anyway, I wish him luck and more money. ^_^

'Chocolate' ~ Jung Min's Portion
Korean to English translation by : violet on liezle’s blog

KJE: please tell me if you really become a bad boy when you appear again later.
YS: i will
KJE: next, Jung Min
PJM: yes

[if i touch/ minus hand(?) (opposite meaning to Midas touch)]

KJE: if you touch, minus hand.
kyu: i agree. i agree. completely agree.
KJE: why? do you spend much money?
PJM: what?
KJE: such as waste...
PJM: it's quite common for me to open soda cans that someone dropped.
I seem to have a soft center.
so... my friend suggested business... shoes...
there are boots that fans really hate.
KJE: are there boots?
PJM: they will be the latest things.
my friend said that they would be popular.
get knotted! i will be the richest after 10 years.
my friend said that this was the item which made me to hit the jackpot this year.
i... about one third of money that i have earned until now...
KJE: did you invest your money?
PJM: yes, invested my money
KJE: oh, there! so? one third?
PJM: yes, but it...
KJE: failed?
PJM: yes. hahahahaha~
Leader: i bought two pairs because he looked so poor.
KJE: what? two pairs?
Leader: two pairs of boots.
then i wondered why they did not sell well.
so i visited the web site.
I found that i was the first visitor of the day though I visited there in the evening.
I was so smarting.
PJM: yes, yes, I knew nothing at that time although i don't know well now, either.
at that time, what was that...
I didn't know about marketing.
KJE: darn!
you yourself should have worn them.
PJM: all members wiled away the warm winter!
KJE: i mean...
you should have appeared on tv with them or given me them to wear.
PJM: they are for men.
KJE: oh, are they?
it couldn't be helped.
PJM: the homepage turned into decoration.
i will try again after studying marketing.
KJE: will you do it again?
KJE: well...
Audience: women's items!
PJM: shall i sell women's items?
Audience: yes
PJM: will you buy them?
Audience: yes!!!
PJM: i go crazy.
KJE: there are many ways for financial technology in the world.
PJM: financial technology...
I should not falter because of these words.
Maknae(?): Jung Min has something to tell about finacial technology.
PJM: when china fund increased,
KJE: china fund?
PJM: a banker said "it will be a big hit.
beijing olympic is going to be held.
it will increase like this."
I bought it when it increased like this and then it dropped sharply.
I can't withdraw money yet.
KJE: did you really do many things for financial technology?
PJM: yes.
KJE: in my thought, the best way is to deposit money in a bank.
someone say that it's a wise way.
i'm worried about you.
PJM: but... business is the best for men.
many men look to agree with me.
KJE: anyway.
PJM: I have a dream to be a CEO.
i'm undaunted.
KJE: try hard but don't invest too much money.
PJM: yes, frugally.
how about all-in?
Maknae: ya!
PJM: the last, hyungjoon.
KJE: finally hyungjoon, yes...


  1. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Thanks Violet and Liez for the trans;)

    LOL Jungeun said he looks so cute and kind while saying he would be a bad guy LOL.. Youngsaengie mention "few days ago i said I'll be a bed guys" in Music High,, so here's when it happened!!
    but wonder when will he can be a real one, with those always-cute-expressions~

    and Mal, no matter how he talk abt the failures, still believe him to be the smartest, he did earn his own car anyways~ did he use the 2/3 left to buy a house in kangnam like he wanted^^"?? Mal ah, write more good lyrics, do good business and invest wise stocks~

  2. Anonymous9:40 AM

    ahh, it's ashame, bad guys not bed guy

  3. Hi Liezle and Violet,

    I have just bookmarked the videos for my iPod. I might have a busy sched today. But I'll have to see this and watch. Thanks so much for the translations, and for sharing this to all of us :) Will comment after reading.

    Take care!


  4. mel_122310:13 AM

    thanks Liezle,

    I'll save the vids for tonight ^^..
    Firewalls at office now..sigh.hehe

    I enjoyed reading the translations though.. haha Mal Mal.. it is ok, u learn fr failures and you are a smart one, so it will surey drive you to excel much further in ur biz plans. I am sure you will become a CEO one day too. ^^

    YS as a bad some how it is hard to see him as such. He is still a sweetie cutey boy. I hv to see the vids to see his bad boy expressions first though lol

  5. finkle3:45 PM

    Thanks Liezle and Violet for the translations! It' such a pity they cut out so much of the interview. Even for the 3 members whose part got air a lot was cut out :( Hopefully someone can sub the whole non-broadcast interviews cos i wanna know why they keep smiling! :)

  6. Anonymous5:28 PM

    leader is so sweet!! buy two pairs of boots from mal... then in the end he was one of the very few people who bought... ^-^
    actually, i'm kinda curious how those boots look! i'm sure many fans would like to wear boots that leader/mal wear (unless they're really >.< of course, then it can't be helped).
    i dun mind wearing men's boots! (in fact, i have 3 pairs of men's shoes i wear!) haha
