
Sunday, November 22, 2009

the yorkshire terrier joke [cute!]

Have you read my post earlier HERE? If not then you don't have to worry because I'll be posting it here with the complete details of the story and video.

But before you proceed to watch the video let me give you a gist on what you're about to watch. ^-^ In the video you will see Hyun Joong on stage is happily joking with green peas in the audience, Young Saeng happily joking around with Kyu Jong even giving him a highkick at the end of the video and the rest of the members also looking so happy. This was taken at yesterday's recording at KBS for MuBank.

Credit : Weolcheok (

If you can't view the above video you may click HERE.

Korean to English by violet / liezle's blog

saeng: ah.
joon: hello.
kyu: hello.
joon: it's 2am. didn't you go to bed yet? heuk heuk.
leader: hello. are you cold? it's because it's winter.
min: are you cold? run!
leader: there is 'Nun Nae-Ge Nun Nae-Ge' in our lyrics. do you know what 'Ge' is? Yorkshire terrier.... kkk
joon(?): choco, choco, choco
min: you ran to the death. CARI. we will have CARI.
joon: Let's clear throat all together.
min: CARI. camera rehearsal.


  1. Kyujongforever3:32 AM

    Haha this looks so funny~ rofl !! But I don't know what is 'Cari' ?? Can someone explain me ? TwT

  2. Anonymous4:37 AM

    Cari? Curri, perhaps?! Is Cari the Korean pronunciation of Curri? If it is, Jungminnie is so sweet to suggest so. Warm and spicy curry on a frigid winter night is the best!

    Also, I have one quick question. I have seen many interactions between Jungmin-Baby, Youngsaeng-Leader, Jungmin-Kyujong, Youngsaeng-Kyujong, Jungmin-Leader, and the Baby that gets along well with everybody but never Jungmin-Youngsaeng. If it is the most awkward members of the group, I think it would be Jungmin-Youngsaeng and not Leader-Youngsaeng. Are they not close to one another? I have seen a lot of their past videos and interviews, they share almost minimal interaction to one another. This has been on my mind for awhile.

  3. Kyujongforever6:00 AM

    Curri ? It doesn't make any sense if you look at the translation ?!? =/ Or maybe I just don't get what's so funny about saying curri again and again xD It probably means something else ? I don't really understand... lol I hope the author of this article will explain !! Thank you...

    PS : Baby is so sexy, seriously... I couldn't take my eyes off him. Gosh. Same thing for Kyu Jong oppa. These two are damn hot ! :D

  4. crazynoona7:09 AM

    i think it's actually CA-RE (pronouced as CARI)...which stands for CAmera Rehearsal.

    CA-Re! thats why mal said we will have Ca-Re now

    make sense? hah

  5. Kyujongforever7:25 AM

    Thank you Crazynoona !!!!! (You're registered at Soompi and Quainte, right ?^^ I think I saw you there). Your explanation makes sense, and I'm pretty sure I get it now. It feels good to understand what they say !!!!!!!!! LOL.

    I'm kinda low... Anyway, thank you !! :D :D

    Kyu Jong oppa, saranghae Hyung Joon saranghae

  6. Anonymous7:28 AM

    to Anonymous: i've seen Mal-Prince interation several times in the vids, one good example is the one posted here by Liezle during their fan meeting in Beijing

    and to Liezle, thank you....

    Ge? ahhh^0^


  7. crazynoona8:30 AM

    yeap kyujongforever.. im at soompi too! :) *waves* haha

  8. Anonymous9:32 AM

    did you hear the Kyujong hyung at the end?! lol
    Also, I believe Jungmin was the one who said Choco, Choco, Choco instead of Baby.

  9. Anonymous10:20 AM


    nun nae-ge.. gae? lol.. yeahh i just realized it could means gae... LOL...

    hyun joong.. *enter 4d mode:on*

  10. Anonymous11:56 AM

    What's choco?

  11. Hi Anonymous! Here let me introduce you to choco ^_^ Just
    click HERE




  12. i was wondering with the choco as i understood what he meant thank liezle~

  13. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Thanks liezle for the reply! But is choco a yorkshire terrier? leader is indeed 4d!

