
Monday, December 14, 2009

12.14.09 Update from Hong Kong

Now I'm back it's time to give updates. ^_^ Sorry wasn't able to do this when I was watching my first Persona because I want to fully concentrate on watching. My next Persona is Bangkok will try my best to give live updates when it's time. ^_^

Anyway, got updates from happiebb just now who is still in HK.

happiebb : Kadd just saw mal, kyu and baby go out from hotel with DSP president and interpreter just now. Leader and Young Saeng not with them. [02:57pm]


  1. Anonymous3:05 PM

    hi liezle!

    is there already a schedule for persona in singapore, malaysia ang philippines?


  2. hi liezle!
    glad that we finally met up!
    yes i saw the 3 boys getting into the taxi heading out of the hotel
    so fortunate to catch a glimpse of them as I just came back from a fruitful shopping trip at Citygate Outlet!

  3. nice meeting you finally kadd. and i miss everyone including SS501. ^_^ geez, you went shopping again? you're not only a SS501 addict but a shopping addict as well.

    will i see you in bangkok too? you're sooo nice and i love love your happy aura.

    if you've more updates please let us know.

    take care.


  4. trippi3:22 PM

    wow thank you for the updates!
    the yahoo buzz awards is today, right?
    wonder where mal, kyu and baby are going? they are all attending the award show right? :D

  5. hehehe...yah me shopping addict, korean addict, leader addict etc etc!
    Will try to go down to HK Convention Center this evening for the Yahoo Buzz Award. Unfortunately I dont have tix to get in so just hoping to get some shots of them walking down the red carpet is there's one...

    more later I have to lift up my legs and get some rest! Need to be wearing my killer boots!

    Thailand??? Unfortunately it was Leader who said see you in! Will update you...

    P.S. BB is back in Sgp already. Only me left at the hotel cos I couldnt get a flight back today! fortunately...hehehe!

  6. Sorry meant to say: Unfortunately it WASN'T Leader who said see you in Thailand...

  7. Wow talking about luck!

    Yeah just got a message from bb that she already touched down.

    Hey, if you've news when they're coming back let us know k. And hope you'll give us more updates too.

    Btw, my Korean friend Ji Yeon is there in HK she's going to watch since she was able to get a ticket.


  8. Belle3:53 PM

    Hi Liezle
    Belle here checking in from Disneyland hotel. It was so wonderful to finally meet you in HK and share our 1st persona experience together. Now have to come back down to earth.

    I bump into Kadd at Citygate mall just now. She must have bump into the guys on her way back to her hotel. Kadd, you are so lucky. Wishing you lots of good luck at the convention center later today. I'll be leaving for Singapore tomorrow 4pm flight.

    Hmnnn.... YS and Leader are always together and they say they are awkward kekeke

  9. ffaaiitthh3:57 PM

    its said that Leader headed straight to Macau with his parents right after dinner or early next morning.


  10. Hi Belle! It was nice seeing you too. Really had a great time with you and the rest of the ladies at the concert. Had fun dancing, singing, jumping, getting giddy and shouting with you all.

    I've still no voice and my legs are killing me. Though the pain did not stop me from wearing heels at work. ^_^

    Wish you stayed with us after the concert. J_Girl and her sister stayed until 8am and we didn't sleep! We only talk about the SS501 non-stop.

    Hope to see you again in another SS501 outing.


  11. ffaaiitthh3:59 PM

    ...and is back in HK for the Yahoo! Buzz Awards.

    (sorry for the double post.)

  12. hi hi Belle...hope we can catch the boys at the airport tomorrow! Mentioned that they'd be heading back tomorrow afternoon but no details of flight yet.

  13. finkle4:20 PM

    Hi ffaiithh, I tot I read on soompi that all the boys went to Macau? so it is only Leader and his parents?

    thanks for all the updates everyone! i wonder where the awkward couple went ^_^

  14. Belle4:40 PM

    Oh Liezle, I wish I could have stayed to chat with you, Khin and the J_girl siblings, but stupid me bought 2 way train tkt so didn't want to waste money. Yup, I hope we can do more persona together. I'm planning to go to KL and def S'pore if/when they confirm. We're on for Seoul encore reunion right? hahaha.

    I got a pretty decent clip (6 mins)of the encore & will email you when I get home cause I don't know how to upload. It even captured the moment Jane threw her leader bear on stage LOL.

    Hi hi Kadd, my heart thumping already hearing that they are also heading back home tomorrow afternoon. Yes, yes, wish us both luck at the airport tomorrow.

  15. ffaaiitthh5:34 PM

    hi finkle!

    it was just said that HJL with his parents went straight to Macau..i don't know about the rest though.

    i visited soompi, and it does say that all of them were in Macau.. that's good if its true.
    a familyouting for our boys.
    hope they werent bombarded with paparazzi this time though.. want them to just relax and enjoi the moment.
