
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Born in the Year of the Tiger

I found this article translated by xiaochu on Quainte501. Quite interesting to read names of Korean artists born in the Year of the Tiger especially the name of one of our favorite SS501 member, Kim Hyun Joong. But hey remember, it's NOT ONLY Hyun Joong who was born in the Year of the Tiger amongst members of SS501, Heo Young Saeng was also born on this year.

Thanks again xiaochu for translating this article.


12/28 [news] Year 2010, Star born in year of Tiger is?...SS501 Kim HyunJoong, anticipating his active participation

Credits : SBS news + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Only less than a week left for year 2009.

Year of cow, KiChookNyun (the numbering of years in olden days), is about to finish and waiting for the Year of Tiger, KyungInNyun, the year of white tiger to come.
Who are the stars, born in year of Tiger, greeting a year of their own, let’s see it first on screen.
Among the entertainers who are born in year of Tiger, there are a lot of top stars.
Shall we take a look at idol stars first?

The most promising star is SS501’s Kim HyunJoong.
Beginning of this year, he debuted successfully as an actor through ‘Boys Over Flowers’, and returned to be a singer in the later half of the year, and gained good responses from overseas too. Not only in Korea, he was scouted (maybe for commercials..) in Taiwan and other Asia countries. Seems like next year would be Kim HyunJoong’s year too.

DongBangShinGi has 3 members born in year of Tiger.
They are YouKnow Yunho, YoungWoong JaeJoong, Micky YooChun.
Recently, they have expanded their fields into acting, making us anticipate their new change.

74er pretty boy actors’ activities are also to be anticipated.
UmTaeWoong, leading HoonNam (ugly but gentle guy) line, we expect he will gain higher popularity next year too.

Another actor is Joo JinMo.
Even though drama ‘Dream’ did not achieve success this year, he will return next year with movie ‘MooJukJa’ which is a remake of ‘A better tomorrow’, which gathered much anticipation from fans.

Choi MinSoo who recently returned as an actor after ending a long period of hiatus, is also born in year of Tiger. He will start with a year-end special drama ‘Father’s House’ and will be accepting a Hollywood movie.

Nation’s singer Jo YongPil, movie actor Moon SoRi, Choi SuJong are also born in year of Tiger. Entering into the year of their own zodiac, we shall look forward to their active participation.

video is up on sbs website


Alright, I just happen to read something about Chinese New Year - 2010 Year of the Metal Tiger. I'll be sharing them with you and hope it won't bore you reading it.

According to what I read, people Born in the Year of the Tiger are very lucky and very courageous. Tiger people are dynamic, attractive, lively, social, enthusiastic, intelligent, alert and optimist [Hmm, could our Hyun Joong and Young Saeng have all of these characteristics?]

The tiger is very competitive with a wonderful fighting spirit. They are natural leaders with great strategy techniques. They can also be stubborn and impatient. They are also difficult to resist [501% agree!], for they have are magnetic characters and their natural air of authority confers a certain prestige on them. They are tempestuous yet calm, warm-hearted yet fearsome, courageous in the face of danger yet yielding and soft in mysterious, unexpected places. [I belive both are competitive. Both have been the leader of the group and yeah have different style when it comes to leadership. Hyun Joong is stubborn, we've been a witness of that. As for Young Saeng, as a scorpion myself, hmm... i've to think about it ^_^ because i'm not stubborn but yeah it could depend on what year you're born].

2010 would be a good year for Artist, Acting, Comedian, Musician, Race Car Driver, Chauffeur, Aviation, Writer, Politician, Managers, Marketing and Sales. [And DSP is gearing our boys to be an all around entertainer, right? The can sing and dance very well and we know about this, they can act, MC, model, compose and many more]

Oh btw, Tiger people love vacations filled with adventure and excitement [ha! yeah both Leader and Young Saeng love adventure ^_^]. They enjoy life full of challenges and unexpected events, like visiting unusual places and meet interesting outstanding people. They love to soak up the sun [I doubt about Leader... he hates the sun] as well as to enjoy an active night life [very obvious! both love clubbing with friends].

This will be a good year full of energy and activity for people born in the Year of the Tiger. They've just have to be cautious to not overspend.

As for the rest of the members, Maknae, Jung Min and Kyu Jong, [they're born inthe Year of the Rabbit (1987)], in the Year of the Tiger they have to put plans and projects into gear this year [acting!]. They'll also prosper this year.

Yeah! I think it'll be a good year for SS501!!!


  1. Anonymous1:55 PM

    "The most promising star is Leader.." Oh sure, so glad to read that. Leader, fighting! I can't wait for his next acting project. I hope that he does not have too much pressure due to all the expectations. Health is more important.
    I don't think YS like to soak in the sun either. He hided behind Leader, under the tent when they went camping in the Japan Mnet show in 2007.
    I really hope SS501 makes it big next year! Best of wishes.

  2. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Thank you Liezle for a brief look at the Year of Tiger in 2010 with your little notes on HJL, YS and the other members. Looks to be a good year for the boys. Fighting SS501!

  3. shirbo12:59 AM

    haha i love ur add on to this article....GO YEAR OF TIGER...guess what year i'm born in!! HAHAHA
