
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

A dose of SS501 from Weolcheok

Photos from Weolcheok from the MBC charity event yesterday have been posted on and I'm shoving them here. They're nicely captured, almost close up. But of course if it's from Weolcheok, Young Saeng should have the most number of photos. ^_^

Since I just finished reading the full transcript of the Power Radio interview that happened several weeks ago [thanks to a very dear friend for doing it... it'll be brought to us soon ^_^], I'll be describing each member from what I remember reading from the transcript since it's really quite interesting. So let me start off with Hyun Joong.

Hyun Joong, he said the he is currently on a diet and only eating chicken breast. Asked if it has something to do with a new project. He said that, he won't tell yet until it's been confirmed. Voted by members together with Young Saeng as likely the member who would make a woman cry. And as for his ideal type of girl, he said that she has to have lot of attractiveness, intellectual, knows to have fun and sexy.

Next is Young Saeng who introduced himself as the 'bad guy' of SS501. He's also what other members think, together with Hyun Joong, as likely the member who would make a woman cry. And would you believe that members of SS501 voted him to be the member with the most fit body? Geez, I'd like to see that! Well, according to Maknae, Young Saeng looks like he would have small body but if you see him with no clothes on, he has a great body than you would expect. Wow! Really, i'd like to see!

Who's next? The self proclaimed sexiest member of SS501 and the most charismatic, Jung Min. Oh yeah sexiest, but the members voted him to be the member who is most likely not to work out. ^_^ According to Jung Min, he would rather rest after a long day of work instead.

Next, Kyu Jong who was thought of the DJ as in love because he looks different and have changed a lot. But of course Kyu Jong denied that he is inlove. According also to the DJ Kyu Jong is more mature now and have somewhat more polishing look. Also, he seems to be more confident and relaxed.

And last but not the least, the maknae of SS501, Hyung Joon. He has become more charming throughout the years. He said that he's the most popular member of SS501 [of course he said it jokingly]. And because he's the youngest, he's jokes always remains cute to the other members. He's voted by the members as the most stingy. But Maknae defended himself by saying that it's because he doesn't usually carry cash with him. ^_^ He's also voted by the members the member who look different without make up. Maknae said it's because of his eyes. His eyes are not well defined as the others so he has to put make up on. Btw, he said that he's been DJing on Music High for 8 months now. ^_^


  1. Actually I've never thought that Young Saeng would be voted by others members as the likely the member who would make a woman cry^_^ Love Professor? OMG, I'm laughing hard, Liezle:P
    Fit body?? Many YS fans told me that he can gain weight and loss weight easily... Wow wanna see him 1/2 naked once:P kaka, such a bad girl fan I am:))

  2. Anonymous7:26 PM

    does eating chicken breast really make you slim down? chicken breast and nothing else?? wheet wheet! I'm going to test it since Rain and Leader are doing it.

  3. hehehe.. Liezle.. have you forgotten YS was half naked when he was out from his shower and took pictures of himself? heheh.. fair white skin.. and of course good fit body.. muahaha...
    Young Saeng's ideal type of girl->lot of attractiveness, intellectual, knows to have fun and sexy...who else.. me lor.. hahaha...

    *shot ownself* I must be too bored after facing patients the whole day... LOLx

  4. btw, whoever want to try the diet that Leader or Rain is doing.. please consult your family/primary physician first... The diet they are in are mostly probably protein diet and protein diet is more effective for people who does lots of gym workout. Toning of body and lose weight too. But provided your body are fit.

  5. Brenda, YS and Leader has the same description of ideal type of girl? Hmm... i've to go back to the transcript. I thought it's Leader who said that. Yes, I've seen that photo! Cute and sexy but i like to see his current body now. He was still 'young' then. ;)

    Btw, yeah i guess your bored bec you can't watcht Strong Heart which is about to start. ;)


  6. Hahaha, i knew that our resident doctor will answer that diet thing that Anonymous posted. :)


    alright gonna watch now Strong Heart!

  7. Can't watch it 'coz I'm dying with graphic:((
    Young Saeng ah........

  8. Anonymous2:44 AM those pictures. So nice.
    Thanks for sharing.
