
Wednesday, December 02, 2009

freeze the moment : young saeng and kyu jong in strong heart

There is nothing more like it when we see them in motion, right? But of course there are times that we want to freeze some moments and just stare at them. Just like these screencaps by PEACE posted on Aren’t they just beautiful?

Young Saeng has a very brief moments in ‘Strong Heart’ last night, I really don’t know what he did there. Was he there to give support to Kyu Jong or his portion was cut because it’s not challenging enough for the other stories. I’ve to wait for PB to ask since I think the one I sent her last night is some sort of a transcript. ^_^ I hope to get some answers.


  1. hi liz,

    I felt young saeng is the background setting!

  2. as a fan i really want YS to express more himself and be openly so fan get to know about him. i know that is more YS fans outside want to know about him...
    actually i don't like he to be too secretive or thinks about image...
    I want he to be more openly to fans to get know more other side of him~~~
    however him could be we always support him and want he make his best whatever he did ^ ^
    Just miss him so much
    really want to know him...
    but can't get much cause he known as a quite and secret one:))
    look forward for his other side~

  3. Actually I cried a lot after watching Kyu Jong cut. It's was so moved.
    And about Young Saeng, as his fan, I just want him to talk more about his life, his difficult and express more so fans can understand him. He's a mysterious number that I want to know. However, it's fine to see him smile like that. Hope he could keep his promise in Music High "Talk more..."
