
Saturday, December 19, 2009

hyun joong cooking and it will be live!

I found this post on earlier. I tried trying to decipher firs the content and it seems very interesting then I asked ♥ HYS ♥ to translate this piece of info so here it is. Thanks ♥ HYS ♥ !

Calling for Audience Notice
source : post by yeami
Korean/Japanes to English translation by ♥ HYS ♥

Hyun Joong Leader will appear in "Gourmand's Table" by Fuji Television and will be broadcast on January 5!

In this program, Hyun Joong Leader will prepare a home-cook Live in the studio!
When he come to Japan for this program in Japan, he would show off his culinary skills in front of the Japanese fans. One fan will be chosen by drawing lots, to eat the home-cook food together with the panel of experts in the studio. (?Visitors are not allowed to eat the dish) [liezle : sorry couldn't understand this]

Fuji Television New Year's specials "Gourmand's Table" January 5, 2010 (Tue) 12:00 - 13:00 Nationwide Net Broadcasting recruiting audiences details for the program is as below.

If you are Hyun Joong's fan who wants to eat the food prepared by him.

Admission Date: December 26, 2009 (Sat)
Meeting place and Time:
Somewhere in Tokyo assemble at 14:00

We will notify the winner on the place
Number of audience to be recruited: 140 (draw lots)


  1. ~~carollalala~~1:38 AM

    Oh, so poor leader had to start work straight after x'mas on boxing day... i thought he can have a good rest this x'mas like what he said before in some interview..

  2. Anonymous1:39 AM

    I don't know if i like this or not. How can they make leader prince cook???...hmmm...

  3. ohhh do you have more details on this?! I will be in Tokyo during that time!

    Do you happen to know when he'll arrive and depart Tokyo?

  4. Anonymous2:57 AM

    Well leader,you know how lovely you are? Everyone only interested on you,take care,xmas & happy new year to you!

  5. Anonymous6:37 AM

    Liezle I need your help! and calling all green pea princesess/triple s - we need to unite and show our support again!

    UrGenTly needed - please vote on line for our group SS501!

    Voting period: December 7th 2009 – December 27th 2009. You can vote once a day for each category.

    How to vote:

    Step 1. Go on one of the following links to vote: (Leader as hallyu actor) (SS501 as best group)

    Step 2.
    Click on one of the dots next to the name (I RECOMMEND YOU VOTING FOR SS501 AND KIM HYUN JOONG) and click the Vote button.

    step 3: a page will come up to type in your email (better with a .com - like as an maill addy)

    step 4: a page containing Japanese characters would ask you to check ur email to confirm your vote

    step 5: open ur email account and check if you have mail from innolife, then click on the link to confirm your vote which appears like this( - blahblahblah

    step 6; another japanese page should pop up to confirm ur vote

    geez=) thanks for reading! whew!

    SS501Forever number 1!!!!

  6. spring10:04 AM

    1st remind me when i saw leader going to do cooking show live then remember his tabokki lesson in TFWUU... hehe...that time he showed well his skill and his member like his dish too... he will sure did well again here.... anticipating for his cooking lesson again....:) and i want to eat what he cook too..since i can't,if i able to see the whole lesson, i want to follow and cook myself then eat...hehe...

    thanks liezle for sharing.. i am really fast following up all the update which i missed 1wk plus... i was so sad as totally disconnected from our TS world since last week... really so many post to read and to watch vids... i can't even finish 1/2 yet.. so happy there is a lot too... so many thing happened...

    Have a nice day Liezle and TS blog reader..:)
