
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

hyun joong in macau

It was reported earlier that Hyun Joong [and the other members of SS501] with his parents and staffs went to Macau after the concert. And true enough he was there seen as this fancam will tell you.

[not sure though if it was on the night after the concert or the day after the concert they went to Macau, but what I'm sure is that when the dawn was breaking on the 13th [Sunday] they were not yet in the hotel. It was said that they had dinner after the concert not sure if they headed straight to Macau and chartered a private ferry to bring them there].

I'm so glad that Hyun Joong and the others were able to have some relaxing time in Hong Kong this time. It's his 3rd time in Macau. I'm happy too that they chose to stay in Marriott wherein fans cannot really disturb them since it's far and mode of transportation is quite hard.

Geez, he's so cute eating what the fan gave him and sharing them with his parents and other companion. Hee and he's watching too himself on TV. The place where they at is the place where they shot the scene in BOF when Ji Hoo bought egg tarts for Jandi. I remember standing on that same pavement in July. ^_^

Thanks to jillc838 for posting the link on khj thread @ and to me933830 for sharing on her YT channel.


  1. so lucky, can't imagine being so close up with leader on the streets...

  2. the video is so clear! what a lucky fan! he's really nice to his fans.... and he looks so handsome and dashing even off stage...

  3. Anonymous5:00 AM

    He looks so good. He should be more careful though. Nobody knows if that person is a fan and some antis.
    Thanks for sharing.

  4. ffaaiitthh7:24 AM

    really, HJL's to-die-for jawline came from his dad.
    while the small frame of his face resembles his mom.

    tooo cute ^__^

    *makes me want to drive straight to LAChinaTown to buy some egg tarts.*

  5. Jenna8:05 AM

    His mom is the one in black right? I remember her during their first fanmeeting in 2005. Is that his grandma with his mom? If it is then thanks God she is better now and that is why HJL is much happier these days.

  6. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Thanks for sharing. Leader is so adorable >////<

    The lady taking this fan cam is sooooooooo lucky !!!!


  7. Ahhhhh i was at the exact same location infront of the egg tart stall with the bof being aired at macau just 8 days ago!!!! So near yet so far! Haha!

  8. Anonymous12:29 PM

    what's the name of the place? is it in china town in macau? can someone tell me where it is? please.. thanks! ^^ - nina

  9. It's in Senado Square on the way to Ruins of St. Paul's.


  10. sharone7:43 PM

    i must keep that senado square in my mind, so if i have chance to visit macau, i will go to that place, who knows i will meet leader there.

  11. Anonymous11:47 PM

    thanks liezle for answering my question..! ^^ -nina
