
Friday, December 25, 2009

[Eng Trans] Hyun Joong TOK Messages

I saw Leader's TOK messages just before I when to nap. Honestly, I thought it was not him since the ID [he used CroMagnon] is different but the subject says that it's Kim Hyun Joong. Anyway, since there was no translation yet earlier I decided not to post the messages yet.

But now after napping since there are several translation i'll just be shoving one here since the translation from my friend hasn't arrived yet. ^^ She must be pretty busy today.

Thanks to cagali for her translation on her blog. I'm sure cagali won't mind me shoving her translation once again here since she has given me the go signal long ago to post here any of her translation on my blog. Super thanks cagali!

Btw, Leader was on line from 11:43am to 12:30pm. He spent the night with Young Saeng then he will be going to his house again. Seems the these two are really spending some quality time. ^_^ I like it!

Hyun Joong's TOK Messages

Credit: DSP TOK Message Board + (Chinese translation) 妃茵 @ + (English translation)


I just woke up
Saengi went home now. [liezle : the original translation of cagali is "Go to youngsaeng's home now" but violet just dropped by to check my blog and she corrected this to "Saengi went home now."^^ Hmm, so Saengie had slept at Leader's house? Wonder where these two went last night? Leader said that he spent Christmas with YS, right?]
Where do you stay in Jeju?
I always go to Suwon
I am sick.... Didn't go to Japan
I will go to Philippines ^^
I cannot use K (a type of game)
Will release in news....... loose face
Play y? (Also a type of game)
Happy Birthday
I didn't download K
My K ID was stolen
Wait for a while hehe
Lets play Y
Is the 3rd battle area
Is the 3rd battle area in between room No. 7 & 10 Double Ace Room code number is 501 hehe
Is the 3rd battle area in between room No. 7 & 10 Double Ace Room code number is 501
Is the 3rd battle area in between room No. 7 & 10 Double Ace Room code number is 501


  1. Anonymous7:39 PM

    thank you liezle and cagali.
    kyu jong and hjl know how to give
    wonderful christmas present to ts.

    merry christmas to all ts around the world!

  2. 'I will go to Philippines'. Leader said.

    "I want to visit Singapore. I may be able to go there because of concert early next year." Maknae said.

    The boys are giving too much hope to fans. Well we can't blame them DSP tells them where they'll be going next but for the final confirmation they will only know when IT'S FINAL. Whatever changes they won't know until the very end. So don't blame them if they can't come as they said on their message or radio show.

    What good about all these though is the they have these countries in their mind and that they are really considering going, right? So whether early this year or on the second leg for so long that they come that would be good for all of us.

    But really if you ask me when I want them to come, I would say 2nd leg of Persona. Early next year is too near and risky.


  3. is he serious??
    about going here in the philippines??
    hmm.. speechless..
    it's not yet official..
    btw, what a username?!
    thanks for this news liezel!

  4. whoa.
    lucky Philippines fans.
    lucky Liezle.
    but ive heard leader said Malaysia before.
    so i dont really jealous.
    but if ys said he'll go Philippines.
    then i'll be really3 jealous.
    maknae said they'll come to Singapore for the concert rite.
    so i hope they really come next year.
    n hope a lot of fans give them their supports.
    N LUCKY U!!

  5. Anonymous11:24 PM

    Liezle, thank you for the tip on the correction. HJL and YS prob spent the night clubbing and YS ended up sleeping at HJL's house! HyunSaeng moment!

  6. waa... Miss Lizzie.. I hope that this will come true in the near future.. I might not be in the Philippines next year :(

    by the way... am not sure if Ate Ayene already mentioned this to you but before the HK Persona concert, there was a Persona Staff who took a VTR of us and he made us say that .. "SS501 pls come to the Philippines!" ...:) There's also one guy from Korean news (we did not know which network) and he also interviewed us why do we like SS501 so much.... geeesshhh...

    I hope that the management and the boys were able to watch those VTRs hehehe..... ^__^

  7. Anonymous11:10 PM

    wow! he wants to go in the Philippines.Hope i could go back home during that time!
    tnx a lot!!!

  8. Anonymous2:29 PM

    really?! is leader going to the philippines? pls liezle.. please give me updates about this. i would really love to see him =)

    - sheryl
