
Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Hyun Joong's new photos for HotSun [added more]

Alright Strong Heart just finished and i"m dying to know what Kyu Jong said. Please anyone even a gist.

I'm sure it'll take sometime before anyone give us a gist so let me share these new photos of Hyun Joong first.

Lifted from

Here's details of the this photoshoot

Thanks to 'a very nice friend' for the translation.

Korean to English translation by 'a very nice friend' / liezle's blog

Kim Hyun Joong posing for Hotsun Chicken.
SS501 singer Kim Hyun Joong spent 1 afternoon in the studio in Seoul for the Hotsun Chicken
The theme is Kim Hyun Joong and His Girlfriend on Christmas, Valentine's Day etc.
A honest and simple image concept for these various anniversaries actually unveiled the uniqueness of Kim Hyun Joong

In this photography contest, 3 lucky winner out of 3000 volunteers will be get the chance to pose with Kim Hyun Joong for Hotsun Chicken.

For the following photos, thanks to marvie_carl of KHJ thread @ soompi.


  1. Anonymous11:51 PM

    OMG..! He's so handsome, yet so adorable..!
    Thanks so much for sharing

  2. spring11:57 PM

    wow...dear.. thanks you so much for these lovely pic of uri leader...:-))

  3. Anonymous12:04 AM

    i also just finished Strong Heart ...i was cried too when i saw KJ's touching voice & face expression even i don't understand what they said...hopelly someone will help us sub: please!...

    leader is always adorable...

  4. Anonymous12:22 AM

    ahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!! wuri leader's little tongue!!!!!!!!!

    lub!! lub!!! lub like this!!!! ^-^

  5. liezle,

    i was about to turn in when i saw these. he is such a tease! now, how am i gonna sleep?

    yesterday it was "those pants", now it's the "tongue".

    you should put a warning the says "stay away if you want to keep your sanity!"

    hay, this fan girl is really going nuts!

    big, big thanks girl!

  6. hi liz, i uploaded the vid of this shooting

  7. Ogosh, this is awesome. He's so adorable one moment then SO FREAKIN' HOT after. How can he even do that. I can't stop smiling. Owow. :)

    He's so playful. I want to see him always like this! :)

  8. Anonymous2:41 AM

    Hmm..where is the chicken? Who cares right?
    Leader is too yummy for words

  9. how can he be so handsome? =)
