
Thursday, December 17, 2009

i have sinned ...

...because of those tight pants!!!

Really, since REBIRTH i've sinned every time I see SS501 is performing. Darn, those tight pants are sinfully attractive. Sigh... and seeing them perform live from the bottom of the stage in A3 made me more sinful. I’m sure you can image how it is down below looking at them in all their glory [me getting naughty once again].

For almost two months now, those tight pants that SS501 have been using glorify their long legs and cute butts. The pants also compliment the sexy dance steps of LLT. We got smittened by SS501 lush appeal, meanest tight pants, sleeks and polished dance moves and opulent charisma on stage. Their fashion attracted us to sin by imagining things and headed us for a veritable black out. You agree?

Well, this post came about because of the photos that Charlotte sent me last night. She's from Hong Kong and she was of course at the Persona in Hong Kong with her mom [Kitty]. Charlotte took over 2000 photos of SS501 but she only managed so send me a few since it's too tasking to put watermark in each photos.

Anyway, thanks so much Charlotte for sharing these photos [I've 2 more that I haven't included since they're out of topic] to me and for letting me share them to my visitors. We look forward to more photos coming from you. Yeah, hope to meet you in HK on the next SS501 outing. ^_^

Alright, let's be honest here. I'm not the only one who has naughty thoughts, right? C'mon, 'fess up. Don't be shy. ^_^


  1. Anonymous12:02 PM

    Liezle you are funny! But yah i understand what you mean. I was in A1. Their pants scary me at times .. lols.

  2. Harley12:10 PM

    haha, I was giggling and and nodding in agreement reading your post ^^

    ok ok, 'fess up *blush*. I'm a bad girl...kkk... who used to be more than innocent until being spoiled by SS501 *hee who cares though, girl enjoys being spoiled that way ^^*

    *mom, i'm sorry. God, please forgive me *pray hard*

  3. Dear Liezle, you cracked me up! We are all sinners when it comes to drooling over these 5 impossibly gorgeous men.

    Good news, managed to rotate and I have goodies to email you tonight ...

  4. Liezle, I was smiling and laughing to myself the whole time I was reading your post. ;)

    Thanks to Charlotte for sharing these pictures too. :D The boys, are just too sizzling! It's hard not to sin at times. HAHA!

    thanks Liezle for sharing!

  5. nyahahahahahhahaha!!!!! it's so tempting

  6. pretty thighs they have...

  7. Anonymous1:53 PM

    my oh my.. i thought i was the only one :p

  8. In MJ's famous words.. "You are not alone"!;D Hehe, Definately I have sinned! And man.. I haven't even been to a concert! Like Harley said.. I used to be such an innocent girl! Oh well, these boys give me too much joy for me to worry about being innocent.. besides, bad is soo much more fun and intriguing! ;D

  9. have to confess that... i thought that i'm the only one who think in that way... i'm being spoiled of some sexy part because of them...

    sorry god... ehehhe

    to tell u the truth, i'm being spoiled especially because of YS.. don't know how to tell this.. but, i think, he have the biggest one... sorrry for saying this... T_T
