
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

look at what's sticking out

Find Hyun Joong sooo cute whenever he sticks his tongue out. I've quite a few photos of him though I know there are more out there. I just don't have time now to check my other files since I'm going out with friends in a few minutes to meet a friend from Seoul who is here for a vacation. [Remember I was able to enter the fashion when I was in Seoul last October? The one where I didn't know that Kyu Jong and Young Saeng with KimBum, Jang Geun Seok and many more were there? She's here ^_^]

Alright, here are few of the photos that I have. Savor them while we don't have anything much yet from Seoul [or China?] Well, actually, I think that the China thing is still a rumor though there is still a possibility that they'll be going but i think for a different reason. Fans everywhere I think are confused. [i think even in Korea fans are confused from the many rumors coming out as to the whereabouts of the boys].

Again, thanks to the shutterbugs for all the photos above. See yah all later!

P.S. I've a post on Jung Min and Kyu Jong too later which I think you'll like.

P.P.S. Geez, sorry about the earlier title didn't noticed that i made a major error. >_<


  1. Anonymous8:23 PM

    OMG, he's too cute.
    Thanks Liezle and Happy 2010 Year to you.

    PS : I always forgot to write my ID when I comment in your blog, it's your fault with all the yummilicious pics of Leader that you post haha.

  2. yay! lovely in any angles!!

    so she's here!! wee tell her to enjoy her stay here in our country!!

    keep posting liezle.. even this days are so quiet still keep us entertained with pictures..

    i miss the boys so bad.. :(

  3. spring8:35 PM

    liezle.... i so long didn't left comment here and thank you note....
    busy busy and hv to try to catch up a lot of new post i missed too... so chasing update reading and hardly left note now... now this new post make me write...haha...
    arrr..... ya.. uri leader like to do this.. like uri mal like to pout lo... hehe... they so cute doing their signature....
    and u r the best collected all that picture and posted together..hee... love it..... my fav...:)

    hmm... new year already........ we had so much fun with SS501 in 2009... they achieve much in 2009 too... looking forward to 2010 SS501 and wishing all the best to our boys and dear TS....

    liezle, u give us so much update of our boys 2009... will continue checking out yr blog in 2010 as well... thanks you much always...

    Liezle and blog reader.. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010!!! see u all again in 2010 soon...=)

  4. spring unni! :)

    quizzy! :)

    Hi liezle, thanks for sharing these pictures. Leader makes me feel giddy everytime. Haha! :D

    Tell your friend to enjoy her stay here. :)

    And enjoy your night-out.


  5. Anonymous11:55 PM

    So sexy, and adorable!!..
    Thanks for sharing

  6. hi lizel!
    thanks for sharing this..
    i love it..
    i'll share another..
    maybe you have it already..
    but this is my favorite pic of Leader..
    this is from


    happy new yeear lizel!!

    ~sunny ^^
