
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

quick one about strong heart [added more info]

While we are still waiting for news, I learned these from a friend...

Leader told two stories last night.
One was about Flu and the other was about writing.

Jungmin said about his nickname, 'sexy charisma.' [liezle : and we know how he mentioned and proven his nickname in the show ^_^]
Hyungjoon didn't say any special story but
he exposed that Hyunjoong and Jungmin had fought months ago.

Strong Heart will be more interesting next week. As one Anonymous visitor wrote, one of the guests saw Leader with his girlfriend. [thanks Anonymous for the tip!]

After the airing, there will be many many news which I'm already anticipating. ^_^

Additional tidbits ^^

Maknae mentioned about his special fan.
She was his stalker.
he said that he was scared.

Jungmin said that he fought with Hyun Joong because Hyun Joong was often late for schedule.

One of the guests asked Hyun Joong his age and he said "4 years old". ^o^


  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    JM and HJL fought? Did Baby said why? Please let us know.

    I'm looking forward to know how HJL answered the gf thing.

  2. Anonymous9:42 AM

    wawwwww became his fans is really like roller coaster to me LOL....since 2005 there is MANY roller coaster.. hahahahahah
    when i read the girlfriend i screamed 'nooooooooooooo' but i screamed 'i want to know too'


    hemm hyunjoong, what is your answer?

    i remember when his gossip with gummy noona appeared at that time, when fans saw him with gummy noona... just 2 of them hang out together... that is the last time i felt nervous.. LOL..
    and know those feeling come again.. ^^

    i bet this news will become number 1 in searching now...

  3. glaze9:46 AM

    girlfriend?!! did i just read correctly..girlfriend? OMG..i'm heartbroken now.. :(

    nweiz..Jm and HJl fought? hmm..i wonder what happened between them..but still..GIRLFRIEND?!!! waaaaaah!!!

  4. Anonymous9:46 AM

    not to mention.. the way they cut and show the preview is REALLY REALLY SMART... ^^

  5. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Perhaps the girlfriend they were mentioning was his girlfriend at that period of time but his ex now? I don't know why but I'm feeling nervous right now which is weird because Hyunjoong was never my favorite.

  6. Anonymous10:16 AM

    hemm there is many speculation.. if he really do has girlfriend now.. and this fact was revealed at STRONG HEART recording by him self.. I am sure there will be many BUZZ about that because many korean fans saw the recording too..
    hemm so maybe this is not something like we imagined now.. heheheh.. u know the way they cut the preview is so smart.. that is the way variety show works.. ^^
    juts like gummy noona story.. ^^
    but still i am nervous ofcourse..

  7. violet10:18 AM

    she was an ex-girlfriend. he told that he doesn't have GF now. a female guest said that she had seen him with a girl. but he answered she was not.

  8. Anonymous10:23 AM

    thx so much.. ^^
    ahhh still roller coaster for me this last hour.. LOL...
    hahha its hard be part of hyun joong's fans LOL...

  9. thanks violet for answering what many are anxious to know and can't wait for the next broadcast of strong heart. ^_^

    see guys, what preview can do? ^_^


  10. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I really think the girlfriend mentioned was that of his then girlfriend, now ex-girlfriend. The DSP staff monitors their artists on broadcasted shows and should anything personal or damaging to their image arises, the company staff may ask the station's producers to edit the sequence. SS501 are idols and anything personally revealed beyond a resonable limit like rumors of a girlfriend that can break the hearts of may fangirls has to be kept under wraps. That's why many companies prevent their idols from dating. Hyunjoong, no matter how blantantly honest is experienced enough to understand that revealing something this scandalous is damaging to the careers of his members and himself since fans can be rather irrational at times.

  11. Anonymous10:27 AM

    oh so this ex girlfriend is the same ex he always talking about right? the one he talked in YSMM back in 2006 too?

  12. baby exposed about the fight, no wonder JungMin had quite a reaction. Can't wait for the translation.
    I doubt that leader has a girlfriend, he's too busy for a relationship, but if he does, then it's great for him.
    Thanks so much for sharing

  13. Anonymous10:37 AM

    i think if the company has power to ask the station's producers to edit the sequence.
    there is no use to doing that

    because on the set.. there is many korean fans was watching their recording.. its easy to ask the PD..
    but its not easy to prevent korean fans buzzing about what full fact revealed in recording time, right?

    so i think there is no cut...
    because the korean fans saw the recording, and saw his full statement.. and stated the same: his full statement about 'doesnt have GF now'
    so they know well the PD cut or not..

  14. mel_122310:48 AM

    Well..personally I think even if the boys do have girlfriends now..and meaning may hide it secretly for now (since they are idols)..we shld be readily to accept that possibility..hehe the boys are in their 20s now n it is not uncommon for them to have one. we are their fans and we do hope that one day they will be happy with whoever that makes them happy too ^^

  15. Anonymous10:58 AM

    yeah they are bound to have gf's sooner or later, most important is that their happy!

  16. With girlfriend/s or not, i totally agree. The important thing is that they're happy. And Leader is such an epitome of happiness recently, that's why many are asking why he's like that. I have my own opinions on those, but whatever it is, I'm sure that they know what they're doing.

    Good job on the preview. very catchy! :D

  17. Anonymous11:34 AM

    The age range for fans of idol are from 10-20. Most, if not a significant majority, of Korea Triple S are within that age range. People, conceptually speaking, within that age frame are more susceptible to extreme cases of emotion such as happiness, jealousy, etc. caused by hormonal changes during puberty.

    After Boys Over Flowers, Hyunjoong gained a lot of new fans and recognition throughout Korea and internationally, those new fans are usually within that age range. Do you think they will react positively to news of their Hyunjoong oppa's girlfriend?

    Even if Hyunjoong's confession to having a girlfriend is true, at most only the Triple S would know of this scandal. The company must request the producers to edit that part of the show and stop the media from reporting this news but only the fans present at the studio know the truth and they will definitely keep it under wraps to prevent further hurt and antifan attacks from Hyunjoong.

    Without any official statement, it can only be classified as a "rumor" inside the Triple S community. By this time, DSP would have done its job perfectly, kepting the story under wraps from the public.

    I await to see how this will play out.

  18. violet11:47 AM

    I attended the recording. All I wrote above is true. Did DSP ask the producer to edit it? It's impossible. You won't be able to say that if you have any idea about the relationship between the agency and the station in Korea.

    a pecarious assumption... no no no!

  19. it was just an assumption, about the girlfriend thing. About the editing, it could be a possibility. but we could never know. hehe.

  20. hi marge as for the editing on that particular portion, as what violet said it was not edited. she was there during the recording. remember i blogged the time the recording ended. it was i think 2:30am saturday and on the same saturday they were in music core to accept their mutizen. ^_^

  21. ooohh.

    Thanks for all those info liezle. and to violet too. I guess I got confused. lol

  22. Anonymous1:35 PM

    i dont know why, but in deep my heart, i just feel leader already has a gf, yeah may be just my feeling..if he has gf, im happy for him, as long as he is happy, i will support him, but pick the right girl,

    and jm fought with leader..?? wow, i hope they solve the problem, friendship forever.

  23. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Hi :) To Violet: I'm really curious. You said you attended the recording and so I'm assuming you know exactly how the statement/question was said/asked. I'm wondering if you can clarify something. You said "She was an ex-girlfriend," so does that mean the same girl the guest mentioned was the ex-girlfriend? Or HJ said the girl the guest saw was a different girl who is just a friend? Thanks much. :)

  24. Anonymous2:07 PM

    This isnt his 1st statement about doesnt has a gf yet. This is his 3rd statement, after ytn news yesterday.
    I believe he doesnt have a gf yet, he is so busy now, even dont have time to breath. And he himself state he is so lonely these days more than b4. He want to buy new dog because he felt so lonely. He state he is lonely more than 2 times. One of his statement is in dvd 5men5years interview.
    I became worried about his 'lonely' statement.

  25. girlfriend...FINALLY... he really needed one..
    i mean do u people actually think he doesnt have a gf?? think o ur self.. a 24 year old, good looking, affectionate man like him without a gf is a bit hard to believe.. its called keeping things private so she doesnt get involved with his work..

    if it reli is a gf, which i doubt it will be, i would be extremelyyy happy...

  26. Anonymous2:34 PM

    he is wise, i don't think if he really has gf then he will say he don't since it's not his first time to say that... he even said he don't in the situation that no one ask like in hotsun shooting cf..

    personally, i want him to have one since i feel his loneliness feeling many times....

  27. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Hi girls!
    I think you have boyfriends too... :) and the 5 of them has the right to have one. We don't own them. Let's be happy for them.

  28. Anonymous3:54 PM

    I'm sure HJL has a gf now . He can't speak it out straightforwardly coz of his status but he seems so in love at the level he can't stop himself to hint it or talked about it when he was asked. U know his personalitiy, he often enjoy with speaking nonstop of any topics hes interested in.
