
Friday, January 01, 2010

thank you 2009...

We finally bid 2009 good bye and say hello to 2010. I've so much to be thankful for and few things to change in 2010.

It has been a really good year for me though I've my share of down moments. But I thank the Lord for giving me the strength to overcome them and face life in a more positive way. I've learned that one should not live with so much regrets in life. One should always be positive, forgiving, understanding, patient, and full of love no matter what life brings us. We are the author of our own life story. So it is really up to us how we want our life to be.

In 2009, I've traveled quite a lot this year domestically and internationally. I've met so many friends be in through internet [via my blog] and in person. It's so nice knowing all of you. Our friendship has been bridge by our love either through Bae Yong Joon or SS501.

This is also a year of discovery for me. I've discovered something that I possess but never knew about it. With friends encouragement, self motivation, inspiration I was able to bring out this talent that I never really knew I have. It makes me feel really good. It gives me so much pleasure and a sense of fulfillment.

In my three years of blogging, I think that this is the year that I've blogged so much. I started this blog blogging mostly about Bae Yong Joon. But since this year there's nothing much about him and that SS501 has again caught my attention and made me come out of my shell, SS501 members have occupied a big chunk of space in my blog. With this, I have come to a decision to change the title of my blog starting tomorrow to be fair to those following my blog before [Baesisters] and now [pretty green peas].

Just to clear things, I'm not going to stop blogging about Bae Yong Joon [there is still BYJ thread at soompi to manage and in 2010 Yong Joon might have a big project] , I'm just changing the title of my blog. Bae Yong Joon remains to be there whether you believe it or not. He still occupies a big space in my heart. It's just that my blog will be shared with other Korean artists. Not just only SS501 but others as well especially if I feel like blogging about any of them.

As we witness now the ending of 2009 and the beginning of 2010, I wish everyone only the BEST in the coming year. One of the major keys to achieving a good year is abundance of love.

With that, let me share with you this video [thanks to Belle for the tip] from the 2006 Music Core wherein SS501 with the rest of the guests singing to 'All We Need is Love'.

Happy New Year!


  1. happy new year, liezle.

    (noticed the full stop instead of the usual exclamation mark? it's deliberate. coz i'm writing this with a rather calm mind, and hopefully also with a heart that understands your decision to change the title of your blog.)

    i think we probably started blogging at around the same time, and for a long period, there're also times when our blogs even looked like sisters, what with the same pics and sometimes even similar thoughts... and yea, i too have noticed that you've spent alot more time blogging ss501 than you-know-who.

    and just yesterday, it occurred to me to 'move' you from under bae-fans to green peas.... you see, i 'soft-file' alot of my stuff, and i also categorize the blogs that i follow, and also other things... and whenever you update your blog, it will show up on my bloglines account, and coz you're 'filed' under bae-fans, so it's always 'weird' to be reading SS501-stuff under the YJ 'umbrella'...

    i've always thought it's a matter of time before you change your title. in fact, i'd thought you would even change the layout and the entire look and feel to reflect this (to me, rather big) change.

    i think i will miss having a fellow bae-fan to blog alongside with. as you know very well, there really ain't many bae-bloggers. and jaime's style is, yet again, different from yours or mine. (in fact, we too have spoken about stopping, but it's the thought that there really ain't many bae-bloggers that's kept us going....)

    i did consider what you've done and changed my blog to a leader blog, but it was only for a very very very brief moment. i don't think i can ever do that, change the title of my blog. that's why i would hazard a guess you probably took sometime to come to this decision.

    i mean, to us, YJ was sorta what got us going in fan-blogging, and to change the title is abit... you know... .err.... that's why i brushed away the thought about changing the title as quickly as the idea popped out. i decided to create another blog instead.

    but i totally understand why you feel you need to do this.

    i also want to take the chance to say a big thank you.

    a big thank you for many things. for one, for walking my bae-journey with me. for, walking my bae-blogger-journey with me. and for the second half of this year especially, thank you for all the sleepless nights and selfless sharing in terms of leader and the boys. (it's kindda strange how so many bae-fans are also taken by leader....)

    i hope this doesn't mean the end of anything, but a beginning of many things. and i do want our friendship (for what it's worth... i may not show it, but hey, believe me, you're special to me in bae-, and SS501-world) to go on for alot longer than this.

    we're lucky to have you.

    once again, have a happy new year. ah, while i'm at it, have a happy life :p


    p.s. shall we really really really sit down and have a leisurely meal and real convo the next time we meet? (it's getting kindda ridiculous how each of our encounters had been so hurried...)

  2. finkle12:26 AM

    Hii Liezle, must really thank you too for updating this wonderful blog so that fans like me can get all the news very quickly and comprehensively from one place. Your wide network of friends also have allowed us to enjoy 'exclusive' news and accounts of the boys :D

    I have enjoyed reading your blog and occasionally commenting :)

    Happy to hear that you are gonna continue blogging about the boys, and also your first love :D

    All the best in the new year! May you gain new experiences and discover new things in the new year :D

  3. happy new year...thanks a lot for information about our boys,,,since i'm be a green peas of always be update me about ss501, really appreciate your hardwork and keep update about our boys in the year 2010...
    can't believe 2010 has come and 2009 will leave behind.
    during this period...many happiness we grab and hurt things we have to let go...
    such a good thing to have a better live after through hardship...
    but sometime there is something we can't forgive however we try and we just can let go this things...

  4. hey bb ^_^

    you very well know that on top of yong joon, you inspire me to start this blog. remember how i told you that i'm a fan of yours? well, i still am and i've learned so many things from you. thank you for that.

    i have been really wanting to change the name of my blog for the longest time for a more generic title. I also thought of creating a new one too but I don't want to lose all the comments that have been posted here. they're just too precious for me regardless if it's from baesisters or green peas.

    hmm, I don't think that by changing the name of my blog would create a big impact in our bae community. as you know my baeblog is nothing compared to yours. your baeblog is BIG... no HUGE, compared to mine. ^_^

    changing the name of my blog doesn't mean that i won't be blogging yong joon anymore. i don't think that'll happen. i'm still hankering for him. but much as I would like to blog about yong joon, you very well know that lately, there's nothing much to blog about him. even if there are news, it's a repetition of what's mostly we already know. i want fresh news. something that will excite even non-byj fans.

    i think 2010 is more promising in bae community. i hope we get to hear from BOF soon.

    with this changes, i hope that baesisters will not doubt my being a BYJ fan. i hope that they'll understand the changes. ^_^

    again, thank you for everything bb. i'm not really good with words but i hope you can feel my deepest gratitude.

    i'm lucky to have known you and all the baesisters and green peas.

    let's all look forward to a better 2010.


    p.s. oh yeah, let's have a real date the next time we see each other, k?

  5. hey liezle, i truly appreciate the stuff that you've done for the boys. i can only begin to imagine how little sleep you must be getting sometimes :p

    and... guess maybe our cases are abit different (in bae-terms)... not sure if you knew, but i got 'bashed' alittle for leader-blogging so much on my bae-blog. hehe, and i thought that blog's mine :p guess it's a good thing i've always remembered the blog's mine, and it's my choice what i wanna blog about :p

    hope to have more of the boys' news and updates from your cozy li'l corner... (but, what's gonna happen to that real cozy li'l corner huh?) :)

  6. hey again! getting little sleep is a normal thing for me. i've insomnia. ^_^ i really can't get myself to sleep earlier than 1 ro 2 am. ^_^

    when i started blogging about SS501 i was really surprised when the my counter soared high. and probably by word of mouth [bec i never advertise about my blog except in byj thread] i believe that most byj fans are really into hyun joong too.

    one thing good about the change when i started blogging about SS501 was that i never got any unwanted comments though there are some that would leave comments such as 'i thought you're not going to blog byj anymore' ^^

    yeah, i've known about the issues on your blog. i do go there still dear. i was saddened by the issues. i tried understanding but it was kinda complicated especially it's because it's your blog. hee, think we really have to sit down and talk about this later ^_^

    anyway, with your decision to make another blog i hope now that everyone is happy though i'm pretty your it's so hard to maintain 2 blogs at the same time.

    hmm, what will happen to my liezle's cozy li'l cornere? it'll still be there? but now i'm considering to change the title of that so as not to create confusion and hopefully do a lot of updates. but geez, i can't even update my facebook. ^_^

    cheers, bb!


  7. Karren1684:06 PM

    Liezle, no matter what title you use for your blog I will still visit your blog everyday... I will still support you so keep it up :) ...

    If you blog about anyone or anything you want, you can do it... it's your blog... besides the fact that I'm so into SS501, i visit your blog everyday because the write ups & your comments are very interesting...

    Here's to 501 more years of love, good health & lotsa lotsa money (to support our flying around different countries to watch concerts, fanmeets, buying cd's, dvd's, merchandise etc. LOL)...

