
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Young Saeng Rocks!

Yeah, and he did surprised a lot of us that night in Persona in Hong Kong, right?

Honestly, there are many photos that I did not post anymore. They're just too many to post [though i still have to make page spazzzz for Jung Min and Leader]. But this one, I don't think that I'll not let this set go. No way! This is a treat for Brenda, Jen, (A) and the rest of those who are going crazy over Young Saeng.

Thanks to the shutterbug of HKTripleS for sharing this. I lifted these photos from


  1. finkle12:49 AM

    Hi Liezle, do you know if Leader took the same flight back to Korea as the other 4 members?

  2. hi finkle! from kadd's report at the airport the 5 of them including dsp president checked in at the airport together for the 12:35 flight to incheon.


  3. im so xcited seeing all ysaeng's pics. im jumping here n there now. haha.

  4. finkle2:06 AM

    Thanks a lot Liezle, I was just wondering why Leader seemed to be walking alone and not with the rest..

  5. he does rock...his HK perf, really kills me.. Oh why am I not there? I'm sooooo regret!!!!


  6. You have mail ^_^
    Thanks so much for these pics. He is just so adorable. My beloved Young Saeng. :XD

  7. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Hey, Liezle, thanks again for thinking about me when it comes to Badboy-prince^^ i love each shots... you have an early christmas present eh, seeing them in person.... you know what your Christmas gift for me - this! and a whole lot more of SS501

    Happy holidays and more success to SS501 and to your blog ! (A)

  8. he is hot, he is cool, he is cute, he is smart, he is unpredictable, he is bad, he is good, he is handsome, he is special, he is describe him on everything, it's gonna take me forever as it is a never ending story...just like the meaning of his name, ETERNAL....
