
Thursday, December 03, 2009

young saeng's cut story in 'strong heart'

I'm pretty sure some are still wondering why Young Saeng was not even heard on the last episode of 'Strong Heart'. Was he there only as a support to Kyu Jong?

Well, actually Young Saeng's part I believe was cut. As you may noticed with so many guests, not all guest stars were given a chance to share their story on TV. The writers/director might have choosen only those interesting ones.

Anyway, I saw on Young Saeng's edited out story. I asked someone who's been really very nice to translate it. I got her translation this morning but wasn't able to post. So I'm posting this now since I'm sure many would want to know what is Young Saeng's story that we don't know yet.

Sigh, it would really have been really nice to see and hear Young Saeng share this on TV but I guess his story was not that interesting compared to the others. Btw, the whole 'Strong Heart' I believe will be given to you soon by Shirely. Let's wait for it. ^_^

Here's cut story of Young Saeng from 'Strong Heart'. Thanks to 'nice' for the translation.

Young Saeng's Story on 'Strong Heart'
Korean to English translation by 'nice' / liezle's blog

Heo Young Saeng >>>

"Was having the life of a trainee since 18 years old. That was the time when in the midst of adolescent years.
Was doing this everyday, from home to practice room. Other than doing these things, there wasn't any time left to play with friends.
When I first came to Seoul~~~~~ I also don't have friends who I can spend more time to get closer to.
And as you can see, my rebellious time has came unnoticed too.
And I didn't go to school one day. I was supposed to be fired if the company came to know about this.
By the way, to be frank, there was this thinking, I came up alone, I must become a singer and it's the situation where I will not given up right from the beginning.
At that time, my mother came to the same area as I was.
I've been living rather well.... I just don't like to open up my hands to my mother.
For the for high school and etc? So much have to be spent...
Mainly I don't have time to eat the meals. We will be in hunger for the whole day during those time.
I slept a lot in a day. What food am I going to eat...Sleeps a lot...After buying 1 good ramen wrapping, will fill it full with water...from here... Two of my friends...
I'm serious. So why should I live like's very difficult..
I'm so sorry, Mom. . Really sorry...can't say anything... hard to say it out...The way we talk are like friends...

How to get out of Han River Story...but it will reveal many secrets from this Han River Story...
It's a story of a friend on how he lands in the middle of Han River while looking at I'm just relating it out... what my friends told me.
The gangster group are out. Where? Han River.
No way~. No, I just want to see the Han River one more time.
But you don't know Seoul's geography.
Foot of Grand Bridge I don't know where is the Grand Bridge I also don't know where is the foot of Han River. I took a cab after that.
Where are you going? um..I can't express the atmosphere by words.
Beside the route to Han River, you don't know the other routes.
Frankly speaking, that's is not a very good idea.. and the fact is they are friends too.
You want to give it a try if I'm staying away.
Just pulling the leg, friend. The friend actually took a cab to Han River.

omits the long history of Han River

Kang Ho-dong is a story of saying thank you to our taxi driver No matter how you look at it. There's an articles writes about taxi because human can't care more on anything. I don't know much about judo just like you do not know the way to Seoul. Maybe we can explored out.

'My brother' is a story not to run away because of fear."

omits the rest*.


  1. Thanks Liezle and nice, now I can understand more about him. He is even stronger than I thought. Anywway, it's a pity that his part was edited out.
    Hope we could see the ful story...

  2. Anonymous11:00 PM

    can you please explain to me? am sorry but i don't really understand and i am extremely curious about him.. thank you.

  3. thanks for this Miss Lizzie but I guess i also finding it difficult to understand.. i hope you can also share your thoughts briefly? thanks again :(

  4. hi everyone! actually the translator ad i have a hard time understanding it too. but that's how it was written in probably that is the reason why it was edited out.

    hee, i actually even told the translator that if we've seen on tv how YS told this story it would have been easier for us to understand.

    btw, what i can't really understand in this story is the han river story.


  5. hi everyone! found another translation of the edited out part of YS in Strong Heart. Check this out >

    Seems like we've to thank the taxi driver for being there.


  6. i know what YS means...sometime we got tired pursue our dreams and see nothing, *sigh*...sometime when we look back nobody will support us and we still searching what we pursue but we should have more tough to achieve what we dream and rely on ourself and just go on let other annoying things go
    well that is life let go unpleasent things go~~~
