
Saturday, January 23, 2010

cute! it'll make you smile

Thanks once again to stalking_hj for finding this video. It's a new about 'SS501 2nd Christmas Dinner Show in Japan'. Thanks to hjmasa for sharing the video on her YT channel.

Check mark 0:49, it will certainly give you a wide smile. So cute!

I miss them all! I miss them together and giving us those wonder perfect smile. I wish that February 13 will fast forward.


  1. stalking_hj11:57 AM

    OMG!!!! ss501 GREEN PEAS JAPANESE VERSION (rip from christmas show) i want to hear the official

    it definitely make your heart warm and smile wider ^^

    lizle i am doing good stalking hehehe.. ^^ i hope you so.. really ^^

  2. Anonymous4:16 PM

    OMO their wonderful smiles! Hope that they will always smile so brightly! :)

  3. Oh My..I want those Bright Groom to be my future husband..wekekekek..Not all, just one of them just enogh..just kidding:D
    They were so gorgeous with that outfit..Love it..thanks liezle..and thanks hjmasa..You both are rocks!!

  4. so Lovely!! I miss them a lot !!! I hope leader come out soon...

  5. qwerty2:57 AM

    AHH watching this video really truly make me miss all of them! Esp Kyujongggggggg, where are you!? ahahaha

  6. Anonymous9:38 AM

    watching the vid above made me miss them soo much more. Leader, Magnae and Mal are at least active but what about my 2 quiet faves?

    KyuJong and YoungSaeng - where are you? are you guys okei? don't do this to me (boohoohoo) am suffering from loneliness TT_TT.. I MISS YOU!

    Liezle, please don't laugh, i may sound i've gone bonkers but that's how i feel right now. (A)
