
Saturday, January 09, 2010

discover which idol group HJL and YEH like

It's been another quiet weekend. Been going around looking for something new but there was nada. So, i just thought of posting some of the screenshoots from the interview from Basic House shoot that MBC Section TV had and were posted on khj0606 which i didn't shove earlier. Aside from the screenshoots I added a brief summary of what they were talking on the video posted yesterday.

I'm sure you guys have seen the interview of Hyun Joong and Eun Hye HERE. If you still don't know what some of the things that they were talking about, well kbklynish left this on the comment box below.

'The first minute talked about how they looked so good on camera together, but they were so awkward with each other whenever cameras weren't rolling. So the interviewer starts off by making them meet eyes briefly, which they're both really awkward about, of course. Then she asks who Hyun Joong preferred in Baby Vox, and he says he preferred FinKL. Then she asks Yoon Eun Hye who she liked in SS501 and she says she prefers 2PM. Then they talk about their respective dramas, and Hyun Joong says that after spending so much time as Yoon Ji Hoo, his own life seemed sort of pathetic in comparison.'

We all know that Hyun Joong really likes FinKL [1998–2002, 2005] over Baby Vox [1997 -2006]. But Hyun Joong didn't answer the question that was asked. ^_^ I hope after that little icebreaker their awkwardness to each other has lessen a bit.

Thank you kbklynish for the above!

They're both cute here. ^^

And this one too.

Doesn't even seem that they both awkward with each other.
Very professional indeed.

Awkward moment.

Another one.

so cute! is he bored, tired, or just being his usual self?


  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    leader ! so much handsome with yellow shirt and black glass...
    love love love
    can't stand from his look

  2. doris9:11 PM

    well, i dont know why but i just feel that these two look so GOOD together, seriously; and it's based on first instinct!

    I was even thinking if they pair tgt for WGM, probably the effect would be good too...(perhaps because the awkwardness remind me of Joongbo)...anyway, I still love Hwangbuin better...just a random remark though.

    HJL is indeed a 'sculpture', whatever he wore is a TREND....LOL!! daebak...=D

  3. Anonymous10:43 PM

    Leader is so gorgeous. They looks really cute together.
