
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Do you want to recommend SS501 to Ellen?

I received several emails requesting for this post. Honestly, it took me a while to give in to their request until I read on an article. Hee, the Korean media already picked up the news and already reporting it. ^_^

What is this request? It's to post the link for the on going suggestion for international music on Ellen Degeneres Show blog.

Here's what's written on the blog ~

Ellen is discovering some amazing international music. Now she's looking for more -- and wants your help! If you know any great musicians from around the world, tell us why you think Ellen would love them.

I've gone to the blog and there were abut 4,698 comments. From the looks of it the Cassies are on the roll and have been suggesting their favorite DBSK. I've seen fans suggesting Shinee, Super Junior, 2PM, 2NE1, SS501 and more.

If you want to join you may click HERE. But guys PLEASE when when you recommend SS501 recommend them well and AVOID saying anything bad to the other boy group, k?


  1. Anonymous12:58 AM

    Thanks for this Liezle! I will now go to the link you gave and suggest/recommend SS501 to Ellen.

  2. ah.. how timely! saw this on twitter and was wondering about blogging it... but but but since you've already done so, i only need to put up the link to your blog, wakaka!

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    i really wish they could speak good english fast. it would make things easier for them to cross borders and reach out to a greater number of audience.

  4. Anonymous10:07 AM

    yeah right..

  5. Libby2911:20 AM

    hi liezle!

    I already posted my suggestions/request at ellen degeneres' website regarding the boys possible appearance on her show. I hope they will be picked by her production staff. I'm just so sad that some fans are bashing other kpop artist especially our boys to the point that it seems to be having a fan war.

    I'm glad that most of our fellow greenpeas comments are very positive and really promoting the good & endearing qualities of our boys.

    Keep them coming greenpeas!Leave a good and unique description of our boys that will surely caught their (production staff) attention and will leave an impression on them.

  6. Grace2:02 PM

    i went to Ellen's website and suggested SS501 to be on the show (obviously) ^^ but i hope everyone could put in more support because Ellen's comment page is drowning with DBSK -don't get me wrong, i have nothing against them- but all i'm seeing is DBSK on every single comment. Not only that, some other K pop fans are stupidly dissing other K pop groups including SS501 which is very hurtful! Keep suggesting SS501! plus, we don't need to bash other K pop groups (like others) in order to support the boys! So keep the comments going Triple S!!!

  7. Anonymous2:06 PM

    To Grace,
    i totally agree with you! i found a comment that actually said:
    'In China, Japan,...DBSK/TVXQ is the only one Korea boy band which is well know and beloved.
    We never heard about ss501, bb, 2pm, their level are too low to make us become a fan.'
    how mean!!
    we have to keep suggesting! SS501 fighting!

  8. Anonymous2:19 PM

    hi! Liezl

    Your a truly friend who can lean on always there make a necessary good things in order to make them happy. Keep the good works and thanks.....take care.

  9. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Hi everyone, did u find any difficulties to post the comment on Ellen's webby ?
    When i click post, the page popped up "AN ERROR OCCURED > Invalid request: corrupt character data for character set UTF-8" and made me really pissed off >.<
    It continues many times n i dunno what to do T.T
    I want to post and recommend SS501 to Ellen.
    Anyone can help?

  10. mecheko10:32 AM

    hi everyone..

    i've sent my comment and recommended SS501 and also Arashi...sorry...but i just love this 2 boy bands. but it sure is going to be a tough job for Ellen to choose and also the DBSK fans are really many...we need to push SS501 more! and please don't say anything bad to others...just comment on our boys. but one thing for sure, if i were Ellen, i would positively invite korean boy band to come to the show. all those comments recommends korean boy bands.
