
Tuesday, January 05, 2010

geez, how did i miss this?

I know Maknae showed his abs during Persona in Seoul, I've posted photos of that in one of my posts with the label Persona in Seoul but it was kinda far. Likewise, I didn't bother to know what he sang then. Hmm...

Anyway, here's a video of that solo performance of Maknae and check how the fans went wild when he's doing this number with the song 'Take You Down' by Chris Brown.

Geez, how come I missed this one? Had goosebumps watching Maknae dancing and singing here.

Thanks to SSsufi [ who happens to be a fan of Maknae] a frequent visitor here who emailed this to me. SSsufi thank you! I still have to reply to your email. ^_^ Sorry, i don't have YM where I was earlier and though I've checked your email using my phone but just didn't reply.

Also, thanks to se7ensxxhotxx for posting this one on YT.


  1. SSsufi9:24 PM

    "Sorry, i don't have YM where I was earlier and though I've checked your email using my phone but just didn't reply."

    sorry, but i dont understand the above ^ part. hehe. ^_^

    anyways, YOUR MOST WELCOME! :DDD

  2. hey there.

    hmm, i don't have access to Yahoo Mail where I was at earlier [it's being blocked by our server]. I can only check my YM using my phone. I read your email earlier but didn't reply intentionally because i hate typing long email using phone. ^_^ that is why i only got to reply to your email tonight. ^^

    thanks again.


  3. Anonymous9:29 AM

    OMG! oy vey!! was that really magnae? unbelievably grownup and sexy.

    when he unbuttoned his shirt, i can't help but admire^^ woot!woot! wish he could buff-up again coz he was reaaly hot in the vid.

    thanKyu Liezle, Ssufi and se7ensxxhotxx for sharin'


  4. SSsufi1:38 PM

    to liezle: haha. i see. i wasnt sure what YM means. now i get it. hehe. ^_^

    to anonymous: your most welcome! ^_^

  5. Anonymous8:56 PM

    :O Our maknae isn't a baby anymore..
