
Friday, January 01, 2010

Hyun Joong's wishes for 2010

Cc posted on the sidebar this URL. It's an article in from Sports Khan. I've actually seen this article first [Hyun Joong's portion only] on Anyway, thanks Cc!

In the article, the writer got wishes from Korean artists born in the Year of the Tiger. One of the wishes came from Hyun Joong and he mentioned that SS501 will be in China when 2010 arrives.

Hmm, so are they really in China? This trip to China is really a mysterious one. But, wouldn't it be too impossible not to notice five good looking young men in any of the airports? Anyway, I won't bother knowing where they are now. I just really hope that they're having a great time wherever they are now.

When I read the article using machine translator, I immediately looked for an English translation that I can shove here and share with you. I found one in FALLEN FOR A ST★R []. I'm sure that bb won't mind me sharing her translation here. Thanks bb!

Wishes of the Stars Born in the Year of the Tiger
original in korean:
translated into chinese: xinhm /
translated into english: happiebb /

(*bb: xinhm has only translated leader’s portion)

Singer-cum-actor, Kim Hyun Joong (born 1986)

Will be welcoming the first sunrise of 2010 in China.
Coz the schedule has been arranged such that (we) will be in China.
It’s (already) the year of the tiger.
I’ve a strong feeling that there will be even more good things waiting (for me) this year.

Hope that everyone will plan for a great year,
and then work towards materializing all the plans and dreams one by one.
I will also show everyone an even better side of myself.
Trust that everyone will love and care for all SS501 members, ya?

Happy new year!


  1. Anonymous6:47 AM

    How sweet of Hyun Joong! He's never failed to mention SS501 and all other members. I hope he will have great success and perfect health in 2010.

  2. Anonymous7:14 AM

    So, they are in China? Lol, so misterious!
    Thanks for the translation. Leader is so sweet!

  3. Anonymous1:09 PM

    How nice of leader! Wish every luck for him and the rest boys in 2010!
    Best wishes for liezle, too. thanks!
