
Sunday, January 10, 2010

Is Hyun Joong in Vancouver? [new updates]

I was in TVXQ thread @ soompi earlier and learned that Jae Joong went to Vancouver yesterday. For whatever reason even the Cassieopeians are wondering. Fans saw him at Incheon last night. And according to some he arrived Vancouver at 7:50pm.

Now, TVXQ stalkers are saying that Jae Joong is with Hyun Joong [though I haven't read anything about this on soompi but on KR forum they're talking about this]. I cannot fully guarantee this but TVXQ stalkers are you know... great stalkers. ^_^

I know I've visitors from Canada as well. If you hear and see anything please let us know, k? For the meantime this remains to be a rumor until we have proofs. ^_^

Hmm, SS501 has no sked on DSP webby. Next Persona is in February. Could it be that DSP has given the boys some extended vacation?

If it's true that Hyun Joong is with Jae Joong, has Hyun Joong already become an expert in disguising himself? Or he has an invincible cloak that he uses whenever he goes out of the country on a personal matter. ^0^

Updates ^^

It seems that it's true both Joongs are in Vancouver. There are photos but sorry can't be shared ^_^ . They were seen having meals and drinks in Vancouver.

They left Seoul at 5:30pm yesterday and arrived Vancouver at 11:00am by Air Canada. It is said that they will leave for Toronto soon [or they already left for Toronto]. They left with their managers and stylists.

Hero Jaejoong is recording a Japanese docu film. And it seems that they're recording together [not really sure about this].

I was told that we will probably see photos tomorrow. ^^

Thanks to a good friend for these updates.


  1. Anonymous11:10 PM

    What a surprise that our leader in Canada!!!
    Does DSP really give them a long vacation^^?
    Wanna see them on TV~~~~

  2. hehe really wanna see the pics...hehe
    will it be reveal liezle? hehe

  3. ooohhh. Hyun Joongie is good in keeping himself away from the limelight, eh? I think he really wants a break from the past year's activities and keeps on having trips. It would do good for him. :)

    I hope the members are enjoying their own vacations as well. Although I miss them, I'm really looking forward to know that they've enjoyed their weeks' worth of vacation.

    Thanks for sharing this liezle! cheers! :)

  4. Hi guys! The trip is not a leisure one. It's an official business. ^_^ Not sure of the details but it'll be a filming.

    Btw, one fan account on soompi says that jae joong looks tired.

    And my friend also told me that the fan account of a korean student in Canada also says that Leader looks tired.


  5. awwww. really? I'm not sure if I'm happy to hear that. lol. but for sure, they'll be spending their time wisely.

    Thanks for this update liezle. hope to hear more about it, and all the other members pretty soon.

    Also, If they look tired. I hope they get enough rest. hard to get sick nowadays. cheers!

  6. Dear Liezle

    Thanks for your sharing and updates of Leader^^
    Too bad, photos couldn't be shared here.....


  7. oh...leader also looked tired?? uhuhuh hope he can has a gud rest...

  8. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Of course they will look tired for a long flight of more than 12 hours . So I hope they would take a rest before they start their filming or whatever sched they have. Hmmm is the filming about the 2 of them or separate. I wonder?

  9. Anonymous2:17 AM

    Gosh..I wish I could see them in person. I wonder what kind of documentary they are filming. Why just the two of them, together or separate???

  10. Anonymous2:43 AM

    Why Toronto? In the winter? It is worst than Seoul winter. It is colder in Toronto than in Seoul re: wind chill factor. Currently it is -4C but feels like -11C as of 1:40PM todate Jan 10. I hope they would not get sick. Lucky Canadians. Why not here in Calif?

  11. Anonymous2:45 AM

    I told my friend in Toronto but she is not interested to stalk them because it is so cold.

  12. Anonymous3:19 AM

    really?? i was in Eaton Center(downtown,toronto) this morning,no traces of them,and it was -14 wind chill of -17 here this morning,
    any idea where they're going???

  13. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Hi. I am a cassie who is living in toronto at the moment. currently ive waited at the airport, and there are no signs of him arriving, though some cassies are around.

    Please, if there is any information, (we seriously have nothing to go on but this, but were hanging out so its okay) Please give me information so we can contact you.

    I have flight times of incoming planes from vancouver to toronto, so I will keep a look out.

    Thank you for posting. (Also, living near the airport has its perks...^^)

  14. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Any updates on their arrival? Thanks.

  15. is it pictures of jaejoong in the airport...or pictures of them having a meal together?!

    i live in vancouver and i'd like to know the updates and details...if its pictures of them having meals..then oh my god! im gonna go hard digging info!

  16. Anonymous6:03 AM

    why can't the pictures be revealed ?
    i'm sorry, that just makes it seem more suspicious

  17. Anonymous6:08 AM

    ^ agreed seems suspicious,
    myself being in Vancouver is still curious if he is actually here, like those two photos at the air port kind of seem off to me? I just want to get a real conformation before I go out and try and catch a glimpse intead of wasting my time.

  18. Anonymous7:17 AM

    where are you getting this from? speak more reliably, and show the pictures i do not think there is harm in that, we've already seen the airport photos

  19. i was actually having 2nd thoughts whether to post this piece of news that i got from my korean friend or not. it's obvious that the latter won because i thought that we're lacking of SS501 news and this would be a good news.

    actually even before she broke this news to me i've already known that jaejoong is in canada because i've been reading so much about it.

    with regard to the photos, sorry but i don't impose on my source. whatever she gives me i'm already thankful for that.

    i suggest that if you guys are doubtful, please do not go out and look for them. it's cold as what you guys said. it would be better if you glue yourself on your computer to check on their whereabouts.



  20. Hi Liezle,

    thank you for sharing the news even though You had second thoughts. I agree. Any news we hear/read could actually be good news. since we've been missing on the boys a lot.


  21. Liezle,

    Thanks for the info Liezle!

    Wow Canada !! and on the 8th and 9th and 10th????

    Is this the reason that BKK persona was postponed?????

    Is is because of a JAPAN DOCUMENTRAY?????

    very easy choice to choose, isn't it? Japan or Bangkok

    ummmmmmmm..... speechless but hope leader gets more rest .


  22. Anne Jen12:45 PM

    No maybe DSP gave them a break or accepted offers after Persona BKK was postponed and they just wrap their recording of their 2nd album and giving them a break before becoming very busy again with their promo and individual activities.

  23. Wait so does that mean that Jaejoong will be in Toronto?
    OMG I live like half an hour away from Toronto...I wanna see him...That's like once a lifetime chance because no Korean Celebrities EVER come to Toronto..mostly AMERICA D:
    I hope i can see him...even if it's just a glimpse... :S

  24. also, thanks for sharing the informations :D
