
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

let's support sexy charisma jung min

Geez, as if the rating will shoot up if we watch on TVAnts :D

Alright, enough of worrying... Leader is okay. ^^ He will be back and will even work harder to prove his uprightness.

I believe that they're on a very short break. ^_^ What could they be doing now? Hmm, at this time, let me see... they're getting ready to watch Jung Min on MBC's Every1 'Life Theater'. Will they be together watching it? I don't know. ^^ But of course I wish they are.

But hey, don't be caught that you didn't watch, k? Jung Min might just scold you. And Leader, he would want us to support each member, right?

After watching 'Life Theater' let's stop all the negative thoughts that we have, k? Let's invite all the positive energy. Then let us spread it. ^_^

Huh?! It's almost time for 'Life Theater', got to post this now.

Hee, the boys are now anticipating the show to start. ^_^

P.S. this is the banner on MBC Media of MBC Every1 thread. Hmm...


  1. liezle dear, link please??
    Its already 00.00 Korean time right??
    I want to watch too!!

  2. you can download tvants from this site.


  3. Anonymous11:30 PM

    LIEZLE, does the show alredy started? I am watching MBC channel on tv ants, but golden fishery has just finished and now they announce the news as the next program....:S


  4. after the news. if i'm not mistaken that'll only be 15 minutes. ^^


  5. ya ~~ i'm waiting for JM . haizzzzz it's over time now T____T Hope we can watch

  6. Anonymous11:46 PM

    otokeeeeee jajajaj i am so impacient!!!!!!!!!! the news are never ending!

  7. trippi11:47 PM

    im excited! is there any other way to watch this besides tv ants?
    the freaking thing wont install on my laptop!

  8. trippi11:49 PM

    oh shoot. i totally forgot that korea is 1 hour ahead! omo. last 15 minutes? :'(
    hmm. guess i'll have to settle for waiting for the youtube uploads *hint hint* :P
    thank you.


    I'm watching in the link. open with IE but nothing ~~ :((((((((((((((((

  10. Anonymous12:08 AM

    hey liezle! they didnt air it? I have been on tv ants mbc for an hour and nothing yet....where you able to watch it?

  11. Hi there, I have a quick question
    The show that YM in, Is it a drama series, or one time reallity broadcasting?

  12. Anonymous12:16 AM

    hihi... have been watching mbc for the past hour or so too... then i realised something. could it be possible we tuned in at the wrong time? cos jan 20 12am should have been last night? if it was today then the date would have been jan 21 12am..

  13. Anonymous12:22 AM

    hey anonymous, I thought the same too and I think you are right, but if it was last night by now there will be alredy some post of screencaps on the main sites or the video alredy upload on youtube, dont you think? or maybe everyone got confused....

  14. i'm scratching my head. ^^

    this is the 3rd time every1 did this to me. lol


  15. Anonymous12:26 AM

    jijiji for me too liezle...they have done this to me like 4 times....

  16. trippi1:05 AM

    i like the banner!
    and i also love how mbc is somehow promoting jung min as an SS501 member :)
    although this is minnie's solo project, the other boys come to mind as well :)

  17. Hi liezle,

    I really enjoy visiting your blog, since I get entertained, and informed not just by news but your comments as well. :) thanks!

    stay nice and keep up the good work. Will watch Jung Min later. Off to work.

    Hope that the men watched together for the first episode of Jung Min's show. hehe. and hope to hear from the five of them very soon.

    YES, let's attract good vibes here! :)


  18. I hope they have watched together too! ^^
    I'll support Jung Min or he scold me? hahaha daebak!
    Although I wish he scold me!
    OK, i'm pervert... ¬¬ hahahaha
    Jung Min shi♥
