
Friday, January 22, 2010

my greenpeas are saying...

You know why?

Remember I told you that they went on a short break after the incident? Well, the boys are happy and back working today. ^_^ Alright, that's all I can say for now, no more asking. ^_^

Btw, thank you so much to a dear dear friend [N] who sent me this greenpeas with lots of ♥ goodies [korean goodies hee, but she's not from korea ^^]. Also to another dear dear friend [C]from thousand miles away for sending me ♥ package also. They've been my friends since Bae Yong Joon days. Now that I'm blogging SS501 they're still here. I love you guys and really thank you from the bottom of my heart you always make me feel special. ^_^


  1. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I'm happy that they are happy.
    :) keke

    P.S I <3 the 'greenpeas relax' image.

  2. Woahh..that greenpea looks delicious! So..everybody is back and happy. That's good to know

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Hi Liezle, can I just ask one question? Did the boys take a break together or individually?

  5. Samantha3:54 PM

    argggh!!!i have tat green pea hanging on my hp now..lolzz..liezle is dat yours??lolxx.Is very a very cute handfon hanger..
    well..i pray hard everyday for 501&triple Ses to be happy always..hope the boyz start working with their brand new happy mood and hope everithing go smooth...=)

  6. Alexis3:58 PM

    Sorry for being slow... Did you mention there was an incident? May I know which post was that?? Many thanks!!

  7. Anonymous4:27 PM

    They are happy? How do you know? I am Koreanfan. Today, he is still being attacked by Netizen. Attended his birthday party that was broadcast on TV. DSP is not to protect Him.

  8. Anonymous4:57 PM

    so...DSP just do nothing....

  9. Anonymous5:23 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Leader:
    We will be with u...
    From: Iris CHow (H.K.)

  11. Guys, I'm sorry but I've to take down comments that are not related to this topic.

    I know you're all sensible and you would understand what I'm trying to say here.


  12. stalking_hj5:44 PM

    Liezle, i believe they are fine. Yes, but the situation still not fine. i am sorry but bcoz you keep saying that, international fans believe you so much, and think bcause the boys happy now, the situation is fine and getting better too. That it isnt. The real situation is bad. So bcoz of that international fans misunderstanding korean situation now.
    I know you dont want to post about perfect or keep netral. But beside you said the boys are fine, you have to report the real situation, about now even this matter have broadcasted in national tv, the situation around him still not ok. It would be netralize and dont make many understanding.
    Sorry liezle for saying this. Hope u dont misunderstand me. ^^

  13. stalking_hj5:55 PM

    I mean, i think you should report the real situation about the response in korea in netral way.

  14. Anonymous6:02 PM

    Yes, He is still a bad situation. hurts my heart

  15. Anonymous6:07 PM

    stalking_hj, I think what Liezle means is simply that the boys are putting this incident behind them and getting back to work and moving on. But I don't think people are assuming that the attacks will become all right overnight. There are bound to be repurcussions and we must be prepared for that, and just pray that everything will be completely alright soon. We fans can only just support their upcoming stuff 100% :)

  16. stalking_hj6:16 PM

    i know liezle intention, but still because the statement the boys are fine only (without the update the real nation situation) make the image, people outside korea think things getting better. And misunderstanding the situation.

  17. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Liezle, I just heard today that hyun joong went missing!! It that true? can you ask your korean friend for me?? I m gonna get crazy... unless he show up himself again, i m still very very worried...

  18. Anonymous6:28 PM

    @Anonymous at 617pm: What do u mean missing? From work?

  19. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I don't understand korean
    but I keep searching on korean sites
    and I found news that SBS broadcasted about this incident
    look like it getting bigger...

    I need to know the real situation in korea,somebody PLEASEEEEEEEE

  20. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Hyun joong is missing?????/

  21. Anonymous8:16 PM


    let us respect liezle's blog this is her blog she can choose what she wants to write. let's be fair to her she's been giving much asking nothing in return. i am afraid that she might close this blog if we do this to her. this is my only source of ss501 news.

  22. Anonymous8:56 PM

    請問大家, 最壞的結果..是不是若賢重不與公司續約(其實最大可能性係公司不同他續約), 等六月約滿, 他便是自由身, 可以隨便接自己喜愛的job呢?
    到時雖然他沒了他的ss501(雖然有點心痛, 但也是無可奈何), 但他仍然可以以"金賢重"的身份唱他喜愛的歌, 彈他喜愛的低音結他,去他喜愛的地方遊歷..或是在30歲前結婚?

  23. stalking_hj9:23 PM

    i know i really respect liezle.. ^^ because this is liezle blog.. and i believe she is having hard time too right now more than us... i just simply give suggestion.. because liezle blog its almost like the main stop for international fans so, and give the big effect because we international fans trust her so much.. and international fans opinion based on his blog beacuse we all dont know korean situation..
    but still there is another side happened right now...

    so please liezle dont misunderstand me..

  24. Hello Liezle
    I tell you knocked an email Please check tapping.
    Thank you
    Negina (( Iranian Triple S ))

  25. Well! As long as you reporting the truth, there is nothing to worry about. It's your blog, your point of views, your own little world. Nobody has the right to change it.
    Can't wait for more update from Seoul. Thanks for everything

  26. Anonymous3:42 AM

    I'm a Korean fan who doesn't belong to any fandoms but just love leader. I feel that I must tell you about what's going on in Korea now.

    1. There are two biggest fandoms of ss501 in Korea - one is ss601 and the other is 'Kimhyunjoong Perfect'. 'Kimhyunjoong Perfect' represents khj fans. If 'Perfect' fell apart, it means KHJ FANS' DEFEAT. You should know 'Perfect' is not just one of many small fansites. They mean a lot to all khj fans and khj himself too.

    2. Mr. Lee of DSP shouldn't have brought the big star like khj to the birthday party of ex-president who took the office by miltary coup and most Korean people hate. Because of this, khj has been crushed by harsh netizens to the extent of quitting the work he loves so much.

    3. In this situation, Mr. Lee should have taken the proper measure to save khj. But he's been not only in silence but standing idle where he could have prevented TV, media news from being spread widely as a president. He's hiding behind khj now.
    Here I can't really know what his intention is over this.

    4. So 'Perfect' with coalition of some other khj fandom asked Mr Lee to clarify this and apologies on this critical fault. But most fansites of ss501 except some khj fansites are not supporting khj. Moreover they are even inciting ss501 fans not to support 'Perfect', siding with Mr Lee.

    5.I really can't understand how come the fans of ss501 don't support the leader of ss501 who is in such miserable state but even siding with Mr Lee??? Don't they know how hard khj worked for the group and his dongsaengs and made the group to what they are now? Is it because they like another member? Is it because other members were not there and not involved? If they are a real fan of ss501, shouldn't they support khj strongly along with khj fans?

    6. khj just happened to be involved without knowing he'll be in that b/party or forced to be there. I think if you boycott 'Perfect', it means you wave aside khj fans. Even if 'Perfect' is not perfect in the process of work, ALL KHJ FANS should unite as one around 'Perfect' who is the biggest fandom of khj, if you really love khj...... this will be the most effective way to support khj at the moment.

    If your nation is in crisis or at war, don't all the people unite to save the nation? This is the situation khj lies in now.

    J from Korea

  27. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Friend's friend............

  28. Anonymous5:24 AM sad! I'm a die-hard YS' fan, but I support HJL with all my heart. Especially at this time, when he need us the most.
    They are SS501, five together as one. Why don't those fans reallize??? This is just sadden me.

  29. Anonymous7:37 AM

    you could really see who is hyun joong's true fan at this critical moment. Who is "601", they are only a bunch of ungrateful looser controlled by DSP! If they don't want to unite with hyun joong fandom this critical moment, they could just see aside, but what did they do? tearing down Perfect,destroy every little effort of perfect to save hyun joong.. Do they still want this leader??? "601" might even be the fan that hyun joong most loved... so hyun joong see who is your real fan now, don't bother about them any more, do the things you like to do, even if you need to go solo, we will support you forever!!

  30. Anonymous1:11 PM

    To liezle,can't sleep after reading J fm korea msg.Many ???? mark in my mind & yet no news fm hjl.
    Are boss testing hjl ability to handle such chaos?
    Can someone tell me who has strongest family backgrd,pls delete if too

  31. Anonymous3:31 PM

    I feel it too....

    They even come here and tell international fans not to believed "Perfect"
    and say bad things about Perfect

    Look like they're try to tearing Leader's fandoms apart...

    I feel so sad and mad rightnow..

  32. alright just to let everyone know. the real ts kr is denying the negative statement that was released 2 nights ago. there is actually an anti fandom that is now lurking here. they said they're ts kr but they are not.

    if you noticed the statement that this so called 'ts kr' released it doesn't have an author just like what fanclubs do.

    ts kr and the kr coalition already know the group who is behind this. [not sure though if i can name them here]

    this anti fandom group is composed mainly by teenagers. they saw the problem with TS and SS501 and they're using this as a weapon now to break TS.

    ts kr is asking is there's anyone who posted the letter that the so called ts kr did to delete them since it's not from the real ts kr.

  33. Dear Liezle
    Im so confused right now,so i decide not to be a silent reader anymore. Thank you 4 all information about our boys. You're really hard working, and i am very grateful for that. I just want to tell you that the negative statement that was released 2 nights ago had caused the conflicts among TS for days(especially in my country), and international fans still believe that it is the real opinion of Korean TS. Therefore, i think maybe a good idea if you can post the truth about it. You know many people just read the Entry and ignore the comment box. It is just my suggestion. I am sorry if it causes you any inconvenient problems. Thank you again

  34. hi van! i've debated many times whether i should post this or not since i know opinion varies on the statement by the coalition. but just to clear the air a little yeah ts kr denied that they're the one who issued that statement though opinion varies.

    no i won't make a post on this and create another long debate. it'll leave it up to you guys whether you believe or not. and if you do not believe that it's from the real ts kr let anyone you know who posted it to take it down and tell the owner of the site that it's from an anti fanblog using the current issue to break TS.


  35. stalking_hj5:23 PM

    Liezle, i really agree with van. Plz post this antie issue. It really cause hell beetween TS. Your blog is like main stop for international. So plz for this for the unite of TS. Bcause people dont read comment section. This is really important, for the sake TS.

  36. Oh, Liezle! i know, i know...Let it be^^. It is not easy to be a fan, right? I will always support you. I want to give you a hug ( and hug me too^^). thanks for replying. Best wishes

  37. @stalking_hj: I know your feeling. However, Let's spread this news by ourselves without asking Liezle anymore. As she explained, she had her own reason>>> so, we should respect her. Liezle has done much for our boys and us without asking anything>>>Why we cannot do the same for her??? Let it be, okay
    @Liezle: Maybe i has caused some problems for you accidentally. Sorry for that. Just ignore us. Hug u again

  38. stalking_hj6:31 PM

    Liezle, i am sorry, because i am just so sad watching internal war in TS international.
    Okay i will spread this in my twitter!

    Thx and sorry

  39. Anonymous6:34 PM

    opinion varies? what's is that?

  40. Please NO TWITTER. as i've said though TS KR denied making the statement opinion still varies. What i want to point out is that there is an anti group trying to break TS.

  41. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Please c. down liezle. I appreciate your work. Though this situation make my feel so sad, full of tear in my eye, but my good prays for leader every time. I trust u and him too. Just hope many amazing things can happen in the our leader future. aja aja fighting!!!
