
Saturday, January 23, 2010

guess who made a public appearance today

Kim Hyun Joong!

He attended his cousin's wedding.
He sang for the newlyweds to congratulate them. ^^

If there'll be photos, I'll be sharing them with you.


  1. happy to hear that Liezle..
    can't wait to see his photos soon..
    So sweet of Leader..singing on cousin's wedding..
    Hope he would singing on My friend's wedding tomorrow..TT__TT. she is a big fans of Leader too..

  2. good to hear this,,
    everything will be fine!
    i miss them together!!

    thanks liezle...

  3. Anonymous9:49 PM

    pfiuh!! thanks GOD!!! Thanks liezle!! good to hear this news!!!!
    hopefully he is okay... ^^
    yah.. really miss him and the other members..


  4. thanks for this news liezle..
    yah, good to hear this..
    i do hope he's really fine now..:)
    and i also do miss them together..
    i really do.
    looking forward to see them very soon..xD

  5. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Good to hear this one..thanks for sharing liezle.. =)

  6. Anonymous9:56 PM

    i cant wait to see e pics of our handsome leader!!!
    juz wondering wad song did he sing??

  7. DalJoong10:00 PM

    thank you Liezle.

    hopefully you can get some photos!
    i am missing him so much, and worrying myself sick thinking if anything bad is happening to him.

    i guess it all comes with the package when you choose to love!
    i love you and miss you so much, HyunJoong - please be well!

  8. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! it is a relief to know he is doing fine, I will be waiting for some pictures because I miss him soooo much!!!

  9. Liezle,

    Thanks for your quick info^^

    Hopfully we can see his photos soon....

  10. thanks for sharing this, liezel.

    This is just the kind of news that i have been waiting for. it somehow eases the worries that have been building up for past few past days.

    a photo of him smiling would totally melt everything away.

    this fangirl really, really misses him badly...

  11. miss him very much! Happy to have news..thanks a lot!

  12. Anonymous11:02 PM

    thank u so so so so much for the news!!!! missyoumissyou hyun joong.. i'm so glad you're well ^-^

  13. Anonymous11:20 PM

    thanks for your info liezle.
    this is such a best news since two/three days ago. I miss him like crazy. fill so nervous every second. very want to know that he is ok. now, I can do my work like normal. hope the foto can be realize as soon as possible.

  14. Anonymous11:32 PM

    i missed him so much, hope there will be pic soon...
    thx liezle for share this great news.

  15. spring11:54 PM

    thanks liezle...... happy for this....:)
    i miss him so much too.....
    now i am dying everyday digging their new news... really miss SS501 together....... they taking long break..... good they can rest well..... i will be super happy once they come back together again.... really counting down to feb 13... wishing to reach soon...:D
    ya.... as we believe, he will be ok and back to us soon.... we just need to give him more time.... lets wait together for their come back.... our leader is strong man and this make him even more stronger... miss you leader!!!

  16. Hi liezle, Thanks for sharing. So happy and relieved to know of his whereabouts. He will be having a good meal in the company of family, relatives and friends.

  17. Hello liezle , Thank you
    I was very happy with hearing this news.
    I was very concerned with this period, but I'm glad to hear this news.
    That are very good leader is good and wholesome.
    We want it again group together and look happy.

  18. Thanks Liezle,
    Good to know that Hyun Joong went to the wedding.

  19. wwah, so happy to hear that Liezle!!!
    he must steal all the attention at the wedding :)) :x

  20. Anonymous3:02 AM

    So sweeeeeeet.......... and relief!! He is so 4D!!

    Thanks Les,

  21. BUBBLEJ - - TS Thailand1:32 PM

    Thanks Liezle for Good News for me.

    I Think KHJ to be fine ^^

  22. so sweet
    can i take this news to other web to make HJ's fan happy????

  23. Thanks Liezle for sharing such good news. It's really inspiring as everyone has worried for our leader for few days. Hope everything alright for him. Can't wait to see his photo. Please update us if you get any info.

  24. Anonymous4:41 PM

    thanks to sharing!!!!so glad to hear the news!!waiting for the photo!!!

  25. Anonymous11:43 PM

    thanks, liezle, for the news...
    so glad to hear the updates about him...i feel relief then..and hope everything back to normal now...
    hope to see his killer smile again soon..
    waiting for his photo soon..thanks in advance...

  26. thanks for the news
    so sweet hyun joong oppa
    i'm happy after hearing he has go on with his life after that terrible incident
    hope to hear more about him and other members also....
    i dont think there's a news about kyu jong oppa ang young saeng oppa
    hope liezle unnie can find out out wuss up with them
