
Friday, January 01, 2010

Park Jung Min in 'Intimate Note 3' 010110

Did you see 'Intimate Note' where Jung Min and Brian Joo are amongst the MCs? Well, I've watched it and didn't enjoy watching it except whenever Jung Min is on the screen which is very rare and the camera is far from him.

Anyway, here are 1st and 2nd parts of 4 parts of 'Intimate Note' from lemy0824. I'm only posting these parts since these are the parts wherein Jung Min has quite a lot of screen time. Enjoy the few short moments. He sure does look so handsome. ♥ ♥ ♥

video courtesy of lemy0824/egloos


  1. Anonymous11:02 PM

    I watched too and i get the same feeling as you, i was bored except when JM was on the camera (bus as you said that was really rare)...

    but thank you so much for this clip

  2. I agree with you too. I was really bored througout. JM has too little screen time. Lucky his laughter can be heard, otherwise i will think that he's not on the show.

  3. well i just watch it, and the bordness because of the concept or maybe the chamestry i dont know.

    but did you guys realize it, the guess MC was the Sexy dance rival at 'Strong Hearts'?

    honesty when i realize it it make me giggle, kekeke...

    and yea, Jung min so handsome :p
