
Thursday, January 07, 2010

Persona in Bangkok...

It would have been Persona in Bangkok on January 9 had DO stick with the schedule.

I would have been traveling tomorrow anticipating this concert. But we all know that the concert has been moved to February 13. With the change of date, I’ve to coordinate again our tickets to my contact for re-printing. Then I’ve to call my airline about the re-booking of my ticket to make sure that I won’t be incurring any additional fee if I re-book a day before the supposed flight which is January 8. And the waiting… the waiting for the final notice from DSP to come out that Persona in Bangkok is confirmed which unfortunately until now hasn’t been out.

Honestly, I think I’ve exhausted all efforts to know whether the February 13 is a go or no go. I’ve asked a friend in Japan to call DSP Japan, My Seoulmate to call DSP in Seoul. I was even exchanging emails with a Thai fan to make sure the February 13 is a go. Funny thing is that, all have different answers whenever I inquire.

DSP Japan said that Feb 13 is a not go yet [this was last weekend I think]. From my Thai friend who has contact with the organizer, she said that it’s a go on February 13. Hmm, what about DSP Seoul? Well, I’ve been in touch with my friend about this and she’s been very very helpful to secure answer from DSP. But in December, what she always get as a reply was that February 13 is not yet confirmed and just wait for DSP announcement. Yeah, we’ve been waiting for ages and up to this writing no announcement yet.

But then just last Monday, my friend told me that Persona in BKK is already confirmed and that announcement from DSP will be out this week. Yay, announcement will be ‘out this week’. Ha! ^_^ Two days before the supposed concert and still nothing from DSP. Oh wells, whatever…

I’ve no choice but to re-book today since the last option given to me by my airline is today. So with or without confirmation from DSP, with only the ‘Persona in BKK confirmed’ that my Seoulmate told me, I re-booked my ticket to Bangkok. Sigh… Just hoping that there will be no more unpleasant surprises coming from DSP.

I was charged only a minimum fee for re-booking but other than that no more. I’m just glad that I bought my ticket from this airline and with no restrictions, otherwise, had I bought my ticket with the other airline, I would be flying tomorrow to Bangkok for no reason at all and won’t be attending the February 13 concert. Wouldn’t that just be frustrating?

Anyway, now that I’ve re-booked, I’m getting excited anew. I cannot wait for the day to come and meet new friends.

With that I hope to get my money’s worth and all worries worthy this February 13. ^_^ I must get a flying kiss from Leader! Jung Min must give me a wink! I must get Kyu Jong's sweetest smile! Young Saeng must give me huge wave! Maknae an aegyo! ^_^ Oh yeah…right... in my dreams... lol!

Btw, was comparing the prices with the other concerts Seoul one is the cheapest it’s only US$88 [99,000 Won only. hopefully the cost of the Encore will still be the same ^^], Taiwan costs US$142, Shanghai is quite expensive at US$187 [is this correct?], Hong Kong is US$127 [and so worth it!] and Bangkok is US$166 [but we got our ticket $20 more expensive].

Whatever its worth I know that I’ll be having a great time in Bangkok from February 11 to 14. I said earlier, going to concerts is not just watching SS501 for me but meeting friends a well. I’ll be seeing for the first time a huge Kyu Jong fan from TS SG who has the same nationality as I am. An Indonesian from soompi who is a big Leader fan. I'll be seeing again my partner at the Hong Kong fan meeting who will be coming from Australia who is secretly inlove with Jung Min. A Kyu Jong fan from SG who’s been very nice to me for letting me share some stuffs in my blog. Another Kyu Jong fanatic from the US who’s also been sooooo nice to me and always giving me wonderful materials to share here in my blog. And hopefully my Seoulmate will be watching a well [She was in HK too but didn’t watch the concert because she has another purpose why she’s in HK. But she’s the sweetest, From the airport before proceeding to her destination she went to the venue to see me (and another friend) for a brief moment then left].

We all know that there will be many Chinese TS who had bought tickets that won't be attending anymore. Same with the Korean fans though I know that there are still some who are going to give support to SS501.

With one month and 6 days to go for the big event in Bangkok, I wonder how the tickets are selling. I wonder what DSP especially DO the organizer are doing to advertise the concert. I know that Thai TS are doing their best to promote this. Two thumbs up to Thai TS for doing the extra mile. Good luck!


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Hi liezle, hope to see you in bangkok, i am from Manila and i am going to watch the concert of SS501 and i am so excited - planning to buy concert ticket only when i got there -

  2. Hi liezle,

    I wonder when will DSP confirm anything. hehe. Excited for you! Enjoy BKK concert. :)

  3. Anonymous12:01 PM

    meeting so many friends from many country.. ss501 make us united.

  4. Hi Liezle,

    I have been checking ur blog multiple times a day just to make sure i get first hand news fast regarding the persona in BKK and the encore. Felt so sick so waiting when news just get being delayed wk after wk.

    Just want to get confirmation before all final bookings for flights n hotels as i really dun want to incur extra cost other than the already expensive concert tickets.

    Wonder if the big news is really happening this wk??

  5. Hello Kate!

    I was told that DSP will annouce this week but as you know DSP has been telling us that they will make annoucement in weeks and stil there's nothing.

    You know what? I think that this is already a go. It would be TOO RISKY AND COSTLY to make changes now.

    Anyway, I think that there might just be another announcement that DSP is going to make. I just won't talk about it since I don't want to put hope to others and I think that it might just be impossible if it's true.

    We still have until tomorrow before the week is over for DSP to make confirmation and to make whaterver annoucements.

    I re-booked my flight because today is my last option since I am supposed to fly tomorrow. I took the chance and the word of my friend that it's confirmed. Crossing my fingers that there won't be anymore changes.


  6. U've quite a number of Kyu fans in ur entourage!
    Well, looking forward to meet u~ ^^

  7. Hi liezle,

    been keeping a lookout for any news from you and I guess BKK is a go too.
    any changes now would just cause the fans to rise up in an uproar, definitely isn't something that DSP wants.
    well, 2 more days till the end of the week, hopefully the news would come soon. don't mind waiting since we've been waiting for a long time now.
    no matter what the news would be, just hope to hear something from DSP. perhaps it'll keeps us at ease.

    I can see that there's loads of Kyu's fans going. being one myself. I'm so happy! lol

    let's have fun at persona bkk!
    hopefully i'll get to see you around somewhere?


  8. Liezle,

    Aaarr..reading this makes me wanna cry T_T. I was having a hard tme from our side. Even we ThaiTS still feel a little uncertain about Feb13 since DSP has hurted our feeling so many times last year.

    My 'Endless Photobook", which was supposed to be signed last year, looks shabbier each day. Many big projects have been put on HOLD.

    Fortnately, there's something to lighten upThaiTs' hearts yesterday when there was a" Love Like This" MV premier through channel V. SS501 MV and special programs will be on Channel V Thailand throughout this month. There are posters, banners (big and small) posted in many crowded area in bangkok. That's kinda give me some light for the upcoming Feb 13!!

    and Wow!! You'll be meeting with so many friends.. I hope to meet you here as well Liezle !!

    Will update you when I get any leaked new this SAT !! ^^


  9. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Hi Liezle,

    I will be going to bkk with my friend elly. Everything done, hotel, airticket and concert tickets..hopefully no change!
    Hope to see u there.


  10. let's hope for the best on the updates/announcements from DSP.

    Liezle, a lot wants to meet you in BKK. :)
    I'm sure that anyone who would meet you will be pleased. You're really nice :)

    Enjoy BKK for everyone who will attend. Hope to hear stories from all of you after. I'm sure there's something special, since it's valentines :)


  11. Hello Anonymous #1. Glad that you are coming. I heard that after the announcement of the change in date many filipino are coming. Hope you'll get a good seat.


  12. xiaochu! looking forward to seeing you too ^_^

  13. oh another kyu jong fans. hi stacey!

    yeah hope to see you in bkk. ^_^


  14. Mel, so sorry to dampen your mood when you read this. You think that the MV was initiated by DSP. With that being played, it will surely help in the promotion.

    Again, good luck you guys and please do keep me posted. ^_^

    Hey, i know you'll be busy in BKK on the week the boys will arrive but I'm still hoping to see you again.


  15. Hello Ris! Glad that you can make it to BKK. We'll definitely have a great time celebrating CNY and pre-valentines with SS501. ^^


  16. Hey marge, thanks for the nice words. ^_^


  17. mel - for my point of view what we've been through (specially Thai fans) BOYS or the event itself will compensate us...13th of Feb - CNY eve, Valentine's day eve, and of course KYU's bday month... with all this special occasion in a month it will compliment to the concert. Im really hoping and praying that there's no vacant seat and all tickets must be SOLD OUT!!!

    Liezle - we really spend a lot here from the ticket and the airfare not to mention the rebooking fee..... but to be honest no heart pain coz like what u've said attending SS501 concert is not just watching the BOYS performing but also meeting NEW friends...bcoz of SS501 i gained many friends in overseas and im really happy about that....Now, looking forward to meet u all in Bangkok... let's all scream for our BOYS SS501 ^-^

  18. no worries Liezle. I'm not sure if you could remember me. But ayene unni introduced me to you after the concert. you were really nice, so I'm sure anyone would meet you would see it too. :)

    I was planning to go to BKK too. But since it might be coninciding with one of my work skeds, I think I cant already.

  19. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Hi Liezle, i hope so, to get a good seat, i watched them in Shanghai but i am too far, i want to see them really, really close up . . hope to meet you there - i also want to meet new friends with the same interest - and it's SS501! Can't complete my day without seeing them in your blog . . . it's really updated everyday, every hour. . really appreciated a lot - very much thank you for the update. . .hope to meet you . . .
    Anonymous #1

  20. Anonymous11:24 AM

    boohoohooo TT_TT can't see them due to sooo many reasons some of which are change of the date of concert means change of my leave; also to celebrate CNY and i have to be with my family.....i was SO MUCH looking forward to seeing Kyu and YoungSaeng and the rest of SS501 perform + hope to gain friends like you and the rest - maybe (fingers crossed) on their encore concert


  21. Anonymous1:04 PM

    hi liezle, got ticket already, VIP tickets were already sold out and others are selling too fast, i hope i got a better seat but not the best. . . hope to see you all guys


  22. Jennifer11:32 PM

    Hi Liezle,

    I'm also Kyu's fan too and I'll be going to BKK persona as well. Hope to see you and the rest there. :-)
