
Friday, January 08, 2010

[Video] Hyun Joong & Eun Hye on Section TV

Here's the video related to the photos I posted below this post. ^_^ Huge thanks to faith2714 for the tip and posting on her YT channel.

I'm sure everyone is interested to know what they're talking about. Hee, me too. I guess we've to wait for a while before someone put subs or give us a gist of what they're saying.


  1. Anonymous12:45 AM

    liezle... hyunjoong is so handsome. i like his hair so much here... i like eun yeh but dont see chemistry betwn the 2.

  2. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Lol! They are so awkward with each other, eventhough Leader's met her so many times in Xman. Well, i guess Leader always needs to take time to be comfortable with anybody.
    Thanks for the vid.

  3. Anonymous12:12 PM

    WOW! my two fav Korean. Nice to see them work together. Tnx liezle for the video,hope there will be eng sub soon.

  4. Anonymous2:50 PM

    hey...basically it about yoon eun yeh prefer 2pm than ss501 and hyun joong like finkl than babyvox...

  5. kbklynish3:33 PM

    lol. Great clip! The first minute talked about how they looked so good on camera together, but they were so awkward with each other whenever cameras weren't rolling. So the interviewer starts off by making them meet eyes briefly, which they're both really awkward about, of course. Then she asks who Hyun Joong preferred in Baby Vox, and he says he preferred Finkl. Then she asks Yoon Eun Yeh who she liked in SS501 and she says she prefers 2PM. Then they talk about their respective dramas, and Hyun Joong says that after spending so much time as Yoon Ji Hoo, his own life seemed sort of pathetic in comparison. lol. We've all heard that before...

    THanks for posting!
