
Wednesday, January 06, 2010

who takes care of young saeng's teeth? [added vid]

Young Saeng came to visit his dentist (Lucia Dent) last December 28 and left this singed photo.

Cute ^_^

Hmm, with this signed photo, this means that on December 28, SS501 was in Seoul. They didn’t leave for China as earlier rumored [Dec 27]. ^_^ Hee, that trip of them to China still remains to be a mystery to everyone, right?

P.S. hee, can't think of a good title for this post. ^^

P.P.S. This video link was just posted on It's YS vid i think with a message inside Lucia Dent. ^^ Clich HERE to watch.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    well, at least badboy prince had time to go see his dentist so he could flash those pearly white teeth of his (and i'd faint over and over...^^) on a side note: was he realy with HJL in Macau during new year? news, pictures or videos please

    awaiting updates.. and thank you liezle... (A)

  2. Thank Liezle, I miss him so much. Since 20th Dec 2009, I haven't heard anything about him :(( and SS501. I miss them....Wonder when they would comeback TT-TT

  3. Anonymous10:52 AM last i can hear his news too...
    really miss him

  4. ahh..he so cute!
    Glad to see him...

    Thanks Liezle.

  5. Anonymous11:01 AM

    i really care everything about him!!!!love his cuuuteness<3333

  6. Anonymous6:46 AM

    tnx! i really miss this guy!!!!
