
Wednesday, February 17, 2010

conservative jung min ^_^

This is really cute. I found this GIF on posted by 햇살미니미니. I really cannot stop myself from smiling wide seeing this.

Actually at the concert though this happened at the main stage I saw this and it was really really cute. I think Young Saeng felt hot after their fast number and when they went to the main stage he took off his jacket halfway. Then as what you see on the GIF below, Jung Min saw him and fix his coat. ^^ I wonder what Leader told him.

Btw, I hope someone will make a video of the boys cute interactions at all Persona concerts. Geez, if only I've the time and resources to do it I'll do it. It'll definitely a good video to watch. a

Please DO NOT hotlink.


  1. awww! that's jung min! being cute and sweet!
    he looks like a caring wife of young saeng here LOL

    awww how can we not love him!!


  2. hehehe.....
    well after one champainge that he show half naked i never see him show of that much skin, he even never wear sleeveless cloth any more, wonder why?

    the gif really cute, i guess he become consevative, now hehehe...

    thank you for all the pic and vid, you really help alot.

    take care!

  3. Anonymous4:52 AM

    Likewise Leader is acting leader most probably asking Min to fix Saengi's coat .Saengi looks like a child being taken cared of.

  4. bwahaha... he is really so conservative! but i still wonder why he acts so conservative amidst the sexiness he's showing! ah well, we're getting use to it already...
    (slight chance of jjitmal, kekeke)

    thanks much!!

  5. wahhh Minnie,... Saeng my love wanted to refresh..that'z y he took of his jacket...

    nweiz liezle tnx 4 this gif. im happy seing minnies conservative side..

  6. heheh this caption came to mind when I saw this~

    JM: Come'on Saengie, we're not doing THAT kind of show. -fixes coat-

    HJL: Hey! No touchie

    thanks for sharing ^^

  7. BuinMaL1:05 PM

    gomawo liezle..

    i agree wid quizzy..jung min is conservative but also sexi in d same time..

  8. Love Mel more and more everyday....
    very sweet..
    Thanks liezle.

  9. love him more and more.....

    gals how can anyone resist MAL full of charisma, sexiness and see a very conservative guy....

    lol ^^ missing him so much

  10. tetsu girl6:33 AM

    hee! so cute! XD

    i'm also wondering why JM is so conservative when it comes to clothes? he's definitely not conservative in behavior, what with all the sexy waaaves~. ^o^

    but when SS wear their pink tango shirts, JM's the only one with a black undershirt with sleeves. and when the others wear thin or low undershirts, JM wears 2 layers! why? ^^;

    oh, well, he's sexy enough with all his clothes on. we can't handle him withOUT clothes. SEXY CHARISMA OVERLOAD?! lol
