
Friday, February 05, 2010

[Eng Subbed] Hyung Joon Becomes Pro-gamer ep2 (edited)

Huge thanks to Anonymous for the tip on the sidebar.

Episode 2 of MBC Game with Maknae is up! Super thanks to TeamLiquid for doing the subs fast. Wasn't expecting it to be out today.

I'm zooming out to watch now... [geez, there's still Life Theater ^^]

Done watching. Just few of my thougts after watching the show. You may skip reading this if you want. ^^

Done watching episode 2 at 3:30am and it was another great episode. Maknae is so hilarious and cute that even the coach who most of the pro-gamers seem afraid of finds him adorable. ^^ I really really like Maknae and the head coach interaction.

The progamers tricked Maknae! They all acted well. I never expected them to be good actors. I was also even made to believe that they hate Maknae for getting in so easily in their team.

Maknae on the other hand is so worried that he had hurt the team by being accepted by the coach. He looked so concerned at the turn of events that you would think that he would almost give up being a pro-gamer until the one who walked out came back with a cake to welcome him to the team. ^_^ At this point Maknae looked flushed and so happy. Hee, I even thought that he would cry.

The team members are so nice to him of course especially Shark [he’s really become my fave ^_^]. I like it when they were having a celebration party and asked Maknae about SS501 and if he has a girlfriend. I was wishing for a different answer because I feel that the question came from a man who’s not even from the entertainment biz but Maknae answered with straight face the same answer he gave to others. But honestly I think that he answered the guy truthfully. Seeing Maknae with a set of new friends almost the same age as he is and enjoying their company pleased me. He seems so easy to be with and can easily adjust to people.

With regard to his gaming skills, I’m glad to know too that he’s improved. Though he lose to Jet [the champ from Netherlands] Shark seems to be proud of him because he was able to play well against a champ. Yah way to go Maknae!

I’ve discovered something about Maknae in this show. I think that he has a great skill in manipulating others into believing some for his cute lies. Like for instance when he asked Shark to watch the MSL finals after losing to Jet. He made Shark into believing him that he had called the coach to ask permission that they can watch MSL finals. ^^ Actually, Maknae is not supposed to watch since he just lose to Jet. He and Shark has to back to the training room to practice but Maknae is so persistent he made Shark into believing him and about the phone call and off they went to watch the finals. ^^

The scenes inside the virtual room [is that what they call it] is sooo cute. I laughed so much because of Maknae’s arrogance that even Shark has to say it to him. I really like how Maknae and Shark complement each other on screen. They’ve good chemistry. I also think that Maknae is becoming to be a good emcee/host. High five Maknae!

Anyway, while Maknae and Shark are having fun inside the virtual room the coach came to watch the MSL finals too! I guess they never expected him to be there and even the coach never expected the two of them to be their. Maknae’s expression is so priceless when he saw the coach. Maknae looks like a kid caught with his hand on a cookie jar. To greet coach he hugged him like a baby bear hugging mama bear ^^. So cute! As for Shark, he seems nervous yet can’t contain his laughter at what Maknae just did to coach. With a few scolding from the coach, Maknae weaved his charms again to the coach and letting him and Shark stay to watch the MSL finals. ^^

While they were watching the MSL finals, Maknae is in a way being evaluated by the coach. At the course of the evaluation Maknae had blurted out that Sharp met Rainbow. Again I bawled at this scene especially when Maknae made a lie to the that they did not met Rainbow.

At the end of the episode two, Maknae silliness strikes again. Remember I blogged HERE what he wrote at the back of the coach’s chair? And hey Maknae is so cute mimicking the coach.

Can’t wait again to see next episode. Hmm, I wonder if coach discovered what Maknae wrote at the back of his chair. I can’t wait to see too how Maknae will fair playing against coach [hee that what I think what I saw at the preview].

For those who haven’t seen this show yet, I suggest that you watch it. Honestly I thought at first I won’t find it interesting, but I was wrong. From first episode to this one you’ll be glued to watching it. It’s very interesting and entertaining. Btw, I’m not a big fan of StarCraft but watching it and learning a few tips is worth it.


  1. Anonymous3:51 AM


    jung min's human theatre ep2 has been subbed!

    mangosorbet's YT channel

  2. i think if ever baby's one of my friends..i'll never get one boring day with him..he's so damn hilarious! hahahahahaha!!!

  3. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Liezle you're really into this show. I cannot blame you I'm also addicted to it. I like the concept and Baby is chaming and adorable. Those cute lies are funny.

    Are you goind to make a recap of Life Theater as well?

  4. @Anonymous 10:54, loving every bits of it. ^^

    About Life Theater, i'll probably do once I've seen complete English subs for the 3 episodes that was aired.


  5. iluvdumplings1:40 PM

    If you go to the TeamLiquid forum linked at the side of nevake's YT, you'll see over 30 pages of comments on the show. Many of those who posted don't know Hyungjun or SS501, but find him so funny with Shark and Coach that they can't wait for the next episode.

  6. i have gone there and comments are interesting. i'm really proud of maknae for doing this show. it proves that he's a good MC, right? let me repeast again, he and Shark goes well. and the coach...hee have to agree with maknae that he's a bear... cute bear. ^_^

