
Sunday, February 14, 2010

few things about persona in bkk

I'm still here in Bangkok just killing time before I go to the airport . ^^ Hee, went out to have a massage after lunch. Geez, so refreshing after days of walking and some shopping. ^^

I think that the staffs and dancers that were left behind just finished shopping. Saw some of them at the lobby came in with many shopping . Hmm wonder if Jung Min is back already.

Okay, the area where I was last night was the best area I've had in any of the SS501 gig that I've attend. It is so worth the price that I've paid. Though in HK is pretty near too, but his one in Bangkok we can see the whole stage. Our seats are in a platform and we are about 2 feet only lower from the stage. If we stand the view is even better. If we stand in our seats [which happened during encore] it was much even better. Geez, I hope that in Seoul we can secure a good place in the standing area on the first night. Though on the 2nd night, I think that our seat is quite good already. ^^

During the concert there were so many cute interactions amongst the boys which I know fan cams were able to capture. Though the venue was not full [4500 area] it did not hamper the boys performances.

Comparing with Persona in HK, I think that Persona in BKK finished quite fast. It seemed to me that almost all songs were shorter. The most obvious is Leader's song of course. And yeah everyone was suprised that there was no jjitjoong. Well, it did not happened because it has to happen. ^^ After his number it seemed like everyone in the Arena went 'Huh?! What's that? Where's jjitjoong?' During encore, Leader grabbe one lady dancer by her shoulder I think and brought him at the end of the 'T'. I believe that everyone on our side had an open mouth when he grabbed the lady and had a tinge of jealosy [ok i confess, envied the lady]. It was just sooo not like him to do that... really. Anyway, I hope there is a picture of that or a fancam so that you'll know what I'm talking about. Oh yeah, and he had this cute expression when he hit someone belowwhen he throwed a bottle water [i think].

In this Persona, I think that the most received number is Jung Min's number. He just brought the house down with that cute Thai song. Honestly, I can't here Jung Min singing because everyone was signing with him. But what I know is that the beat of the song is so nice.

Kyu Jong is looking cute last night. Though there's something about him that is bothering me a bit. Hee, won't tell what but yeah... Anyway, he was soooo sweet when he picked up that cute teddy bear with heart before 'Green Pea' and kept it on his side and I know who that came from. Oh, if there is any who was able to capture that Kyu Jong picking up that teddy bear before and after please... please... do share.

Young Saeng, love the hair! And he's really so handsome last night. Actually I love how their stylist styled their hair. I was really afraid before that concert that YS might have again that wild hair he had at the presscon. Whew! During encore he was sooo funny. He's like a boy with his own world on stage. While everyone is running around he was in front of us picking up gifts, digging on the bucket where the bottle water are and just walking around slowly with the water canon.

Maknae, this is the second time I'm feeling bad because I never get to notice Maknae much again. Well, because I guess he never goes to our area much. He's always on the left side of the stage and I'm alway on the right. Oh well, anyway, in Seoul, I'll be seeing himmore on the second night since I'll be staying on that side. ^^

Oh it's 5pm here and I've to go somewhere before I go and leave.

I'll leave ou with this few more photos from Stacey. Thanks much Stacey!


  1. stalking_hj9:16 PM

    Wah liezle thx so much for ur report. Ah really envy.. Seems this time is better than previous concert, though it ended faster ><
    Hehe.. Ahh me jealous, that dancer ><
    me sing : 'i am jealous oh my boy'
    hehe its not dangerous if there was a photo of that? Kekeke me think its not safe for that girl.. xixixixi..

    this time who came to ur side the most?

    Oh ya liezle, leader mention about his drama or film within this 3 months. Its a drama or film?

  2. stalking_hj9:42 PM

    Baby bcome progamer Ep 3 engsub

  3. Anonymous10:27 PM

    about the dancer - I didn'i quite catch what happen - ok he grabbed her and... - i do not understand - who and where "brought"?

  4. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Liezl, what's bothering you about KYU??? Pls share, pls share, pls share, pretty pleeeeeease:)

  5. grabbed the dancer on her shoulder? I think I saw that in one of the fancams

  6. I was also so shocked, while watching at first I thought it was kyu, but in the end of the vid it was really leader.. ENVIOUS... but that only means that they are really friends with everyone.. also so nice attitude..

  7. Anonymous1:16 PM

    actually, if you noticed, he picked up the towel 1st and then grab this lady with this towel.. tried to cover her with this towel since she was revealing and i think she, herself didn't notice...
