
Sunday, February 28, 2010

have a feast on young saeng

This is crazy it's 5:15am here and I am still fully awake, not feeling cold and still have the energy to blog. Geez, I think I just know why. ^^

I wanted to start blogging about last night's encore but I think that after posting this I really have to drag myself to bed as we are going out at 9:30am to go somewhere. But I promise to share with you that moment that moment I had.

Meanwhile let me share more photos of Young Saeng as sent by Sudal via email. Thank you so much, Sudal. I hope these photos will serve as inspiration to you while having your last semester. Don't make it as a distration but as an inspiration, k?

Likewise thanks to Fiesta's shuterbug for these wonderfully captured photos of Young Saeng, to BestYT and to the other one whose name is in the photo.

Young Saeng's arms look delicious ^_^.
They may not be that mascular but I find it sexy.

Ah that smile could just melt anyone.

And this one too. Whoever that fan he's giving that
sweet smile
is so lucky to get one from him.

He's holding a bottled water. I could either be
he'll be
pouring the water literally to the fans
or will throw
it to them.

He's been wearing that golden hat at the 2nd part of encore song.
Then he threw it to the fans at the seated area where I believe
most of his fans were seated. It was so funny when he threw
it, it went to another direction and he made that classic look
of his... widening his eyes and putting his fingertips on his lips.

Young Saeng tears it off!

Oh yeah he's such a tease. He tear off his Persona in Seoul
tee in front of his fans who were seated . I am one
of those lucky ladies who was able to see this happen
though I was on the opposite side.

He's so cute and a tease! Really love Young Saeng
everytime it's encore time. After he tear it off,
he bunched the sleeves of his tee up to show off his arms. ^^

Time to say their bye bye to the fans.
See you again tomorrow SS501!
Btw, who do you think looks the
sexiest with wet hair?
My answer, YoungSaeng. ^^
hee bec eveyone's hair is
curly, only YS makes it look sexy.

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