
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

hyung joon vs kibum

Today's episode of MBC Game seems to be another interesting one. Maknae's li'l bro KiBum with U-Kiss members graced the show. KiBum not only visited his hyeong but also went on a battle with him. Hmm, can't wait to find the result who won.

Thanks to xiaochu for sharing this article on Quainte501 in English of course. ^^

Oh yeah, we'll get to see Maknae in today's episode in tracksuit exercising.


02/22 [news] SS501 Kim HyungJoon, Battle with U-KISS Kim KiBum in Starcraft

Credits : + (English Translation) xiaochu @


U-KISS Kim KiBum
challenged to Kim HyungJoon of real variety program ‘SS501 HyungJoon, Become a Pro-gamer’ .

In this episode, U-KISS visited MBC Game HERO Practice Room which is the location setting for MBC Game variety program ‘SS501 HyungJoon, Become a Pro-gamer’. One of the reasons why they came by amidst their busy schedule is because U-KISS’s KiBum is Kim HyungJoon’s brother.

In the interview during the first shooting, Kim HyungJoon said “I have never won my brother Kibum before. While preparing to be a pro-gamer, I really want to have a competition with him if my skill improves, and my brother accepts the challenge readily.” showing his determination about this competition. In order to let his brother know about the attractiveness of e-sports, Kim HyungJoon liaised by personally explaining and prepared a virtual professional league.

In addition, in this 5th episode, you will be able to admire Kim HyungJoon’s hidden body figure. In midst of his busy schedule, Asia Tour Encore Concert on 27th & 28th at Olympic Park Gymnastic Hall and pro-gamer pre-match, scenes of Kim HyungJoon at the health club (gym) will be shown. On that day, he had morning exercise with player Seo KyungJong who recommended good exercise to the pro-gamers who spent long hours at the computer, HyungJoon wore tracksuit and attracted attention when he revealed the muscles that were hidden.

Episode 5 of ‘SS501 HyungJoon, Become a Pro-gamer’ with U-KISS attack to MBC Game HERO practice room and HyungJoon showing off his hidden muscles will be shown on 24-Feb at 4pm through MBC Game.


  1. Anonymous1:05 PM

    im liking kibum's hair now.. ;)

  2. Anonymous8:31 PM

    yeah!! i wanna see hyung jun's muscles..*fan girl squealing*
