
Thursday, February 18, 2010

New Samsung Card Model

Today, it was revealed that Hyun Joong is the new Samsung Card Model. Photo of which was posted on by 혜경 .

And we've already seen the teaser of the cf, right? This cf was shot around 3rd week of January.


  1. Anonymous3:03 PM

    good to know what leader is doing recently..thanks!

  2. Like what Liezle said, I think I read some where the cf of Samsung Card was shot right after the 2/18 incident. Hyun Joong must have been really professional coming down to this cf work, pushing aside whatever feelings he was having and being concentrated on his work... Good job Hyun Joong, you looked really professional.

    Thanks Liezle for sharing.


  3. Liezle,

    Is this the same or different CF from the one where he was under a blanket and took out his pink undies?

    - Y

  4. Hi Y! Thanks for the heads up. I almost forgot about that teaser that came out when we were in BKK. Honestly, i've only seen it once bec I've so much in my head that time bec of SS501 in BKK. Now you just made me watch the teaser for the nth time. ^^

    Btw, sorry wasn't able to contact you when i was in BKK.


  5. Anonymous11:55 PM

    Samsung card?? What's that? Leader was modeling for Samsung's Haptic before. This is not the same??
    Anyway, it's great to see him so 'marketable'.

  6. Hi Anonymous 11:55. They're different. The Samsung card cf teaser came out last weekend. Here's the link >

