
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

nice fancams from persona in bkk by stacey

So much thanks to Stacey for allowing me to re-post her videos here from here ladystaceyy YT channel. Though her vids are bits and pieces of each performances she captured them pretty well. Not shaky at all and very clear. Hee, I guess having almost the same height as Jung Min has an advantage.

Stacey as I mentioned earlier is a Kyu Jong fan, but in the videos that she took you could hear her scream whenever Jung Min is the focus. ^^

Thanks again Stacey for all videos and I miss you guys. Really had fun meeting you all and having the good time. Hope to see you and the rest of the ladies in the next outing of the boys.

Persona in Bangkok Clips
by Stacey for allowing me to re-post her videos here from here ladystaceyy

Note : Do not take without permission. If you want the video please PM stacey Stacey for allowing me to re-post her videos here from here HERE


  1. Hello Liezle,

    I'm a TS from Taiwan and also went to BKK persona. I think I might meet you and stacey in the hotel (at 2/12 midnight, after the boys came back from rehearsal)...I'm not sure but it's really a great experience to meet 501 fans from the world :)

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Hello Liezle!

    I love stacey's fancam too! it reminds me of how close we were to the boys and all the wonderful memories we had in bangkok for Persona! The late night "sinful" gossips and stalking in the hotel! Missing you girls and the boys much much much! :)

    Jimei ^^

  3. hello ting!
    are you the kyu fan or leader fan?
    anyways it was great meeting you and your friend!!
    love meeting people from around!
    you going for encore? haha

    awww no one can resist Jung Min!!
    that's why we have to scream when we see him! lol

    miss our chats. about the boys and things. you know what it is^^
    miss the boys.
    i miss everything right now =/

    and jimei i miss you hahahahaha

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Stacey!!
    I'm that Kyu's fan!

    I think I know who you are,haha....since Liezle says you're tall and a Kyu's fan ^^

    Yes I'll go to encore^^. Will you go too?

  6. Hi Ting! Yeah of course I remember you. Thanks for sharing your videos. Oh you're going to Encore too? I'll be there too! You're from TW, right? Did you take the tour?

    Btw, yeah Stacey is a Kyu Jong fan but Jung Min is pretty much catching up. ^^


  7. Jimei, hello!Oh yeah I miss everything we did and talked about in BKK. I hope to see you really soon guys. I hope that SG concert will come soon. ^^

    Take care.


  8. Stacey, you and Jimei make me laugh while reading your comments. Oh those things we talked about are ssshhhh...k? 'til we meet again. ^^


  9. Hi ting! I remember you! haha had fun talking to you!
    that's great! but i'm not going for encore.=[ have classes.
    yup me. the tall one. LOL

    liezle, those things definitely have to be shhhh! omo what would other people think if they heard it?
    yes! till we meet =]
    coming to singapore anytime soon? LOL


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Liezle,
    It's really you! Ha it's interesting coz I've been reading your blog for a long time and I see a lot of Shirley's videos. It's so nice to see you in personal ^^ ....the feeling is similar with seeing the boys, at least in some aspects;)..haha

    I agree with Stacey that no one can resist Jung Min! With his big smile and passion^^...and he's always so nice to the fans!

    Yes I visited BKK for a while and just came back to Taiwan last night. I was in Siam Paragon whole 2/14 afternoon but didn't see JM T_T. Anyway, it's really a great trip ^^

    Hi Stacey!
    You won't able to go to encore TT..
    Really hope to see you again soon~~!!!

  12. hi again Ting! hehehehe you made me smile big time when you wrote 'feeling is similar... in some aspects'. hey you met Shirley too that night at the lobby. ^^

    Oh you were at Siam Paragon? Geez, that's such a heartbreaker that you didn't see him. Oh well, same here bec I was at the airport too when he left left. the time of our flights are the same it's just that our gates our both at the opposite end. didn't see him. :( anyway, there's still seoul. but you know what? i'm already dreading the day that i won't be seeing them in person for a longer period of time after encore bec they might not just have activities such as concerts and fan meetings until june or september.

    hey, i hope to see you in seoul.


  13. wahhhhh... i still remember the THING.........

    miss u gals ^^ can't wait for another time that we will see each other again.

    Stacey, Jimei

    if GERMX will see these she will react that MAL belongs only to her.. lol


    hope we can meet again....


    much thanks for everything.... now i believed what u have said before that ur proven that u bought so many stuffs in BKK..

    MISS U ALL!!! Hwaiting^^
