
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

pix from my cam ^_^

I was finally able to do the photos that I took during Persona in Bangkok last night. Well, sorry for the poor quality. The digicam that I was using was not mine. My digicam got lost [yeah I thought someone found it but unfortunately it's another cam] and used my friend's camera instead.

Anyway, I took many photos but only few came out really good when blown up. Hee, I've more deleted items than retained in my file. ^^

Leader was in front of me. Not even Stacey, who is almost as tall as Jung Min ^^ was there to block my view of Leader. But yeah, couldn't really have a good shot as I was clicking and clicking away and looking at him. Good thing though that I'm able to capture him on the frame without checking the frame is he's in there or not.

Young Saeng stayed in front of us for a quite a while during encore and I was really having fun looking at what he's been doing. Like what I mentioned earlier, during the first part of encore, he's like a boy having his own world on the stage picking up and looking at gifts. He really looks so adorable.

Jung Min really likes to hit the fans with his water canon. He's a handsome sexy man running amok with that water canon aiming to the fans on stage. If you noticed in some of the photos he looks like a bad boy.


  1. thanks liezle for the pix, they're good, ^^
    hehe mal enjoyed hitting fans with the water gun, iv seen some pics, in one he's shooting right to the one who's taking the pic, hehe,i'll post it late, soo many pics to post, im tired hehe, but i'll keep posting ^^

  2. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Thanks Liezle for sharing these great pics...gosh, these pics makes me want to rewind back two months ago when I was in HK Persona...the boys are just sooo handsome & adorable! Glad you had a great time again!!! Miss you sis!

  3. shrimpy2:28 PM

    Oppps that was me sis ...^.^

  4. Anonymous9:40 PM

    Thanks for sharing! Really love your page. :) Wonder how it feels like to see them in person. Wish I can be there too.
