
Saturday, February 27, 2010

quiet friday

Geez, seems like it was a quiet Saturday in SS501 community. I was checking sites and I think that we didn't miss much. Oh well, I guess everyone must be gearing up for Saturday's big even, right? We're excited too.

How was Friday for us here in Seoul? Gigi and I started it off by going to DVD Heaven in Guui to pick up some stuffs that were ordered online. Then we went back to our place to pick up J_Girl and V then we went somewhere to drop off the stuffs we have prepared for the boys. Afterwhich we then had our super late lunch.

Friday's weather was good. Food was good. Company was good and shopping was good. Everything was good especially when shopping at BANC because it's super sale! J_Girl, V, Gigi and I went to buy tees and hoodies. Saw Colonized tees and hoodies too but they're not on sale but they're super nice. I'm thinking of buying a tee. Of course we went to Basic House and Tony Moly too. But we didn't buy much yet because we're running out of time. We'll comeback tomorrow though. I'm eyeing in Basic House a cute tee there.

Then in the evening we went to Hotsun in Hongik Univ. It was a nice trip going there because the cab we took has a very jolly ahjussi driver. He's so nice that I've to blog about him. Really had fun riding in his cab. Such a wonderful person despite his lack of English.

At Hotsun, though we didn't see most of the TS there, I'm happy to see Crystal and Lois. Yeah finally I get to meet Lois. Such a lovely and nice lady.

So basically, the whole day of Friday is Leader's day. ^^

After Hotsun, the four of us together with Belle then went to Grand Hyatt in Namsam [this is where I stayed at in 2007]. We went to meet some friends there of Belle. We went to JJ's and had some drink. It was such a good night out too. Then we witness a couple at the skating rink. The guy proposed at his fiance in the middle of the skating rink! It was such a sweet scene. Just like watching a drama on tv. At first the rink was dimmed, then when he was proposing, the flickering lights surrounding the rink started to dance. Then afterwards all the lights went on and the guy stood up offered the right to her. His fiance accepted then they embraced and kissed! Such a sweet scene to witness.

We didn't stay long at JJ's since J_Girl and V have jetlag. So for them to gain their strength for later's concert we went back to our place.

So, right now at 2:46am everyone is sleeping... sshhhh.... I'm the only one awake tryingto check other sites and see if we missed a lot which I don't think we did. ^^

Anyway, I'm logging off in a few minutes. Need to rest too to be able to have strength for later's concert too. Got to go now...


P.S. Btw, I'm sure you know that South Korea's figure skater Kim Yuna won again and she even broke her record. Geez, while she was peforming, you can see all the people all over Korea are watching her perform no matter where they are. Those on the road, on the subway, on taxi are watching on their cellphone. It's as if the world stopped to them when Kim Yuna is performing. She's so love here by her countrymen.


  1. wow! that skating rink scene... straight out of korean dramas! keke, so it's living proof that these things DO happen in korea *.*

    happy to hear it's been fun and all... (strange though that you didn't get to meet most of the SG TS at hotsun...? thot everyone's there...)

    say ''hi" to J-girl for me! *waves*

    and... yea, scream my share for leader sat & sun too... ^.^

    ps. heard that everywhere's having sale in korea coz of queen yuna's win ^.~

  2. Thanks Liezle for sharing. I like how describe what you did.... It makes me feel like I was there too... good job!

    Have fun and enjoy!

  3. paola3:18 AM

    Have lots of fun with the boys and thanks very much for the updates , I've pictured all of you in all the places you have mentioned and I feel like I know a bit more of Korea thanks to you guys !!!

  4. tetsu girl7:07 AM

    Oh, Kara's Gyuri talked about Kara being guests at SS501's Encore tonight!
    "카라가, 내일 음악중심이 끝난 뒤 SS501콘서트의 게스트로 서게 됐어요. 전 박정민씨 솔로(원래는 지선씨와 듀엣)곡인 '하면은 안돼' 무대를 함께 하게 됐는데 지금 막 그 리허설을 마치고 숙소에 도착했습니다.. 바쁜 하루의 끝. 빨리 자야죠 굿나잇!"

    Google Translated:
    "Cara, SS501 tomorrow after the concert music of the center stands as a guest, thank you. Park Jeong-Min Solo I (originally a duet with Mr. Line) song 'Not you' stage, I just happened to be together after the rehearsal had arrived at the inn .. The end of a busy day. Good night sleep soon!"

    Does that mean Gyuri will be singing the duet "If You Cannot" with Jung Min?! :O

    I love that song, and both are my favorite members! I can't wait! :D

  5. tetsu girl8:17 AM

    KaraHolic translated Gyuri's tweet:

    "After Music Core is over tomorrow, Kara will be on SS501's concert as a guest. I will perform with Park Jung Min on his solo (Originally a duet with Jisun) song "If You Can't" and I just arrived back to my dorm after finishing that rehearsal.. A busy day has come to an end. Have to go sleep. Good night!"
    translated by

    So it's confirmed! Yay! I think their voices will blend beautifully together! I really love this pair! :D

  6. hi bb! that's what we all thought too. even the korean guy we were with can't believe it. he keeps on saying that the guys is a foreigner but he's not. really such a romatic scene.

    about hotsun, i missed big time again. :(

    J_Girl saya hi too! Oh, she's soooo happy with her purchase in Basic House not bec of the the tee but because of the catalog.


  7. Have fun girls,I wish I would be there too. Jane & V don't forget to shout "Ssangchu" or "To the world" for be half of joongboer. Liezle, make sure you have enough sleep for the D day.
    I'm waiting for your update and give my love to all SSboys^^

  8. shrimpy2:22 AM

    Hahaha, love it J-Girl! You love the catalog more than your tee...that is sooo CUTE! Can you buy me a T-shirt so I can get a catalog too...hahaha! jk Have fun girls! Miss you all...just pretend I'm with you gals ;)

  9. Anonymous10:51 PM

    I guess Kim Yuna is Leader's gf, remember he went to Canada with Hero? :)
