
Sunday, February 21, 2010

start of countdown to encore

Six more days for Persona in Seoul Encore. Are you excited?

Honestly, I've mixed feelings thinking about Persona in Seoul Encore. I'm so excited and happy that I will get to see SS501 in their home country for two consecutive nights. On the other hand, it saddens me to think that it's already the end of their 1st Asia Tour and that members of SS501 will be concentrating more on their solo activities and their 2nd Full Korean album. If we are lucky we might just get to see all of them again in June [hopefully 2nd full Korean album] or the latest would be September [probably start of 2nd Asia Tour].

But still I'm hoping that we'll get to hear and see news about them as SS501 despite them having solo activities.

Btw, I received photos of our tickets for the two night concerts from the Seoul mate. Me and my friends are already anticipating the day that we'll meet again in Seoul. We've started packing and we will all get to see each other on Friday. ^^

Tix for Satruday. Concert starts at 7pm.

Sunday tix. Start of concert is at 5pm.

I wish that the 2-night concerts will be jampacked. It would really really be great to see the venue full of people showing their love and support at the end of SS501 1st Asia Tour. The last time I checked Interpark website, there are still unsold tickets.


  1. shirbogurl4:41 PM

    shouldve joined u in purchasing the ticket back then....ahhh help help!!

  2. hi shirley! i've been trying to check interpark but i really can't get through their website now. i've asked help from my seoul mate but seems that she's busy. i'll give you update when i received reply from her soon.

    i'm crossing my fingers and toes that you can join us.


  3. have fun in seoul!!
    will be waiting for you updates at home =[
    how i wish i could go!!
    and i hope they wear white *runs*


  4. *tear*
    ohhh i wanna go soo badly!!!
    am i ever gonna be able to see them??

    have enough fun for all of us who can't go!

  5. woahh .
    liezle so lucky .
    gt to go to their concert 3 times .
    3 times ehh ? [not sure]
    wanna go bdly !
    its their last asia tour concert ! !
    why they didnt do any concert here in MY ? ?
    so sad !

  6. me too...cant wait...flying to Seoul on 24 Feb... Hope to meet up with you too!!!

    will be at zone C3 standing for 2 nights..

  7. hi WanNurNasyitah. the seoul will be my 4th. but i've seen the boys many times. ^^

    hello marydewitt. we'll be arriving on the 25th.

    you're in standing zone c? on the 27th, there are still many slots available. but on the 27th it's almost full. good luck to all of us! hope all of us will get good spots.


  8. Hi Liezle!
    It's me Ting-ting^^...I'll be in A/B at 2/27,28 respectively. See u in Seoul!!!

    shirbogur do you need tickets? Lots Taiwan fans are selling their tickets, so if you want to buy through this way, just contact with me^^

  9. Anonymous1:09 AM

    i really envy you liezel, you've seen the boys many times & watch their concerts also. how do you do it? i mean, do you work for any media organization or something? just curious......

  10. Hi Ting! Both areas[A and B for 2.27 and 2.28] are not yet full on the. There are probably about 100 slots per area still.

    Yeah see you in Seoul!


  11. Hi Anonymous 1:09. Nope I don't work for media. It just so happen that I happen to have enough vacation to come and play with them. But I tell you, my account is dented. ^^ Hee, the solo activities of them are somehow good because I will have time to salvage my dented account for their next outing. ^^


  12. Zone C for both nights...

  13. will be leaving on 24 feb via Asiana ...How about you?

  14. marydewit,

    Zone C for the 27th there are still available slots [about 100] for the 28th only few remaining slots. but on the seating zone there are still many slots available.

    we'll be leaving on the 25th afternoon flight. ^^


  15. Oh I really envy you gals... bring a lot of goodies ok! ^^ I'll be waiting here to get an update ^^

    Wish you luck liezle & the others who's going to the encore ^^
    @Liezle, don't forget to say hi to my love one ^^

    Aja-aja hwaiting!!!

  16. waaah! sooo envy you guys!
    are you meeting my sister yen?! ^.^

  17. I was sooooo tempted over the weekend

    going.. not going.. going.. not going !!

    aaarrh... hope you have a wonderful Encore concert!

    I wanted to go sooo bad but the air ticket is just OMG ..since it's a long holiday in TH.... T_T


  18. Hershey, hi! I met Yen in HK last December. I'm hoping to meet her again on Friday at Hotsun. ^^


  19. Mel, there are more tickets! Come join us and play with the boys. ^^

    Cecil, hahahaha if i've a chance why not. ^^


  20. Anonymous8:39 PM

    hi liezel,
    i'm a filipina, just want to ask if we need a visa to south korea? thanks & enjoy your trp

  21. hi Anonymous 8:39.

    Yes you will be needing one. It's non-grata that's the good thing about it.

    If you've US, Japanese, Australian and among others visa holder it'll only take you only 4 days to get your visa. Otherwise, 7 working days for your visa to be approved.


  22. paola4:36 AM

    woaaaaaahhh I am in tears ........ I want to see the boys so badly.... please have losts of fun , for all of us....I keep asking myself why I wasw not born in ASIA??? once again I will get stuck in a horrible weather in Pennsylvania....
    Please give us all the details to all the abroad fansss!!!

  23. clear4:24 PM

    how did u purchase the tickets? i went online to try and purchase it through interpark but it was all in korean so i couldnt understand anythin. =(
