
Wednesday, February 17, 2010


I'm pretty sure you've all known about Nan's story. I've received several emails about Nan since the time her friends have been asking for help. I kept quiet about it and never actually blogged about it.

When I was in Bangkok, I've known that Nan received a letter and a gift from Leader. Story of it reached the media and now we've been reading the news about how kindhearted Kim Hyun Joong is.

Tonight I received another email about Nan's story and this camel from Beth. In her email Beth summarized what happened to Nan and the translation of Leader's letter to Nan. I know many have already known this story but still I want to have a page of this in my blog to share for those who may not have read or known the full story.

Here's Beth's email. Thanks Beth for sharing this.

There is this story that Hyun Joong sent a letter and a gift to a sick Thai fan name Nan. The story is spread among Chinese fan community after ss501's Thai concert because of a Chinese fan brought back pictures of the letter and the gift of Hyun Joong to Nan.

Nan is a Thai fan and a manager of a small Thai fan club of less than 100 people. She is a patient of kidney disease which needs kidney dialysis all the time. But her club member didn't know her health condition because she never seemed to be sick in appearance, rather, she was caring for other club members, devoted her self for organizing activities for the club etc. She had a kidney transplant surgery scheduled in February hoping to have it done after going to ss501's concert in January (original date). Unfortunately, the concert date was changed that Nan couldn't go to the concert since her surgery date was recovering from her transplant surgery. Even worse is that the kidney she received from her father was not working as expected. Her club members were so concerned of her, they sent out prayer/good wish request through internet to some oversea fan sites. I don't know how Hyun Joong learned Nan's situation but in his letter to Nan he said he learned it through internet. Hyun Joong sent a hand written letter on a yellow letter paper with a pink bonny doll to Nan. He also recorded a video message for her. Hyun Joong's tight schedule in Bangkok made him impossible to visit Nan in the hospital in person. He asked his agent/manager delivered the letter/gift/video.

The following link is the picture of Hyun Joong's letter and gift posted on a Chinese fan club web site. The reason that Magic0606 got that picture is that this club sent a representative to visit Nan at the hospital after Bangkok concert and this lady had the chance to see Hyun Joong's letter and gift and took the picture. Hyun Joong's letter is hand written in English and it's readable in that picture.

The text of the letter of Hyun Joong:

Dear Nan,

I read your story on internet by a chance. First of all I am very sorry to hear that your kidney transplant surgery went bad. It is really sad and very harmful for the remaining family members if one of family members is sick. Because I had the experience that my grandma was sick. I know how it is hard to go through. Even though the treatment for surgery is hard to endure please be as brave as possible thinking of your family and get a treatment well. If you keep receiving a treatment I am very sure you will successful result. I will pray for you to recover well. Also I hope your father get better soon. I know that you can not come to see this concert, but I really wish that you come to see my next concert. I will always do my best in order to show my performance well for all my fans. Best regards.

from hyun joong


If you can't open the link above, here's the letter and gift ~


Like many of us , I will continue to pray for Nan's fast recovery.


  1. i always proud of Hyun Joong!

  2. aaawwwwwww......
    he's really2 a very sweet n kindhearted guy..
    so proud of him..
    u rockz hyun joongie!!.. ^^,

  3. Anonymous10:40 PM

    wuri hyun joong is such a sweet sweet boy, he has a really soft heart beyond his tough love exterior... love him, and will keep Nan in my prayers... Nan, hope that u will get well soon... God bless

  4. stalking_hj11:00 PM

    Oh he wrote handwriting message in english, choose the gift by himself, even record special vid for nan, then sent his manager. Even will sent dvd too.
    Really this guy never failed amazed me. He like dont care type, but he always do care alot and show his caring in his own way.

    Really interesting fact bout 2joongs living together

  5. thats really a great thing to do. it may be just a simple act for some but for a fan, this is super super nice.

    i've always heard of great actions from him like giving gifts for staff of BOF during the filming, special concert for the fan, etc.

    prayers for nan.

  6. Leader is such a warmhearted boy although he's a cool-looking. Leader, ur always my man. Hope Nam get well soon. All the best.

  7. Anonymous12:07 AM sweet, and thoughtful of Leader. So proud to be his fan.
    My best wishes to Nan, and also to Leader.

  8. Anonymous12:15 AM

    It's very kind and super nice act of Leader, considered how popular he is at this time. We know for sure that he's really care for his fans, and not so full of himself like some other celebrities.
    It's very sweet of Magic0606 to send a presentative to visit Nan.

  9. i... have tears in my eyes.
    he is such a sweet heart and her story is soo sad.
    GET BETTER NAN!! Hyun Joong and the rest of us are praying for you!!

  10. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Leader always loves his fans from his true heart. His fans are very lucky and should be proud of being this special man's fan. Wish Nan quick recovery.

  11. many thanks to Leader!

    and my prayers also go for Nan's recovery... in behalf of Triple S Philippines... we send all prayers to heaven... get well Nan!

  12. shrimpy3:49 AM

    What a sweet gesture...thanks Leader! I'm so proud to be your fan.

    Hope Nan and her father will recover wishes!

  13. I'm proud of him!!! Always care for his fans! It's a very touching letter. I almost cried the moment I read the message.

    To Nan, hope you'll get well soon!! Be strong! :)

  14. This is one of the reason I really proud to be his fan. He looks cool outside but deep down inside he really have a soft & caring heart. I love you leader <3

    I also pray for Nan & her father. May GOD hear our praying. God bless u two!

    Love & Pray....

  15. Anonymous11:12 AM

    very kind of Hyun Joong :) hyun joong oppa hwaiting!

  16. so sweet of Leader...such a little gesture and yet goes a long way for Nan...

    It is very nice of Leader to offer such kind deed...

    Wishing Nan a quick recovery. stay Strong...

  17. Dear Nan
    I hope you will recover from her illness soon.

    Thank you for sharing this beautiful news.
    What a nice guy!
    I love him more & more.


  18. oh, sorry.

    Dear Nan
    I hope you will recover from your illness soon.


  19. He's really kind...which makes all of us feel so proud to be a fan of SS501~

    Katrina in Quainte said she translated the message about Nan and posted in DSP. I wonder if that's where HyunJoong read about. :D Then again, there are so many portal sites with the request though. :D

    Liezle~ Is it ok to share this in Quainte too?

  20. xiaochu, go ahead please share on Quainte. you need not ask since you've also shared a lot for us here.



  21. Leader is a very caring person, although he is sometimes expressionless. He a kind of idol who need to feel with our heart. I so proud to be his fan, I will certatinly love him and support him forever.

    Hope Nam and her daddy will get well very soon.

  22. Anonymous2:11 PM

    The story is so touching!!
    Love and Kidness are never wasted. They always make a difference. Nan will never forget how Leader made her feel and treasure his kind deeds.

  23. Anonymous2:12 PM

    The story is so touching!!
    Love and Kidness are never wasted. They always make a difference. Nan will never forget how Leader made her feel and treasure his kind deeds.

  24. Leader is so sweet, thoughful... Like him much more..
    Pray for Nan and her father. Hope they get well soon.
    Thanks for sharing.

  25. Anonymous12:35 PM

    That's leader!! He always cares about his fans from his deep heart. I knew it from the beginning. His priority is always the fans. Love you and support you leader forever and ever!

    Pray for Nan's quick recovery......
