
Sunday, February 21, 2010

[3 Vids] 'Why Not?' Samsung Credit Card CF Making & CF

I'm shoving this up since I've added a new 8 seconds CF video of Hyun Joong with a pink exercise ball. Check it out below!


Love love this cf of Hyun Joong! He's a tease and he is so handsome here. 'Love love it!

Thanks to 501스런하루 for posting on

Short CF Making Video

Below CF was posted by 다즐링v on

New Samsung Credit Card 'Why Not?' CF

This time with pink exercise ball. Thanks to cynthia for posting on

And here are YouTube links courtesy of WWloveHJL. Thank to Y for the tip!

Samsung Credit Card Making

Short Samsung Credit Card CF

English Subbed by Hurmutube2 YT and translatiion by NulSaRangHaeS2.

Another Short Samsun Credit Card CF [Leader with Pink Exercise Ball]
Thanks to Y for the tip and to lovekhj0606 for uploading in YT.

P.S. Miane for putting so many vid links. I'm just making sure that if one of the account is suspended the vid/s is still up.


  1. Anonymous3:35 PM

    Upper body exposure! I love HJL ^^
    Thank you Liezle!

  2. Anonymous3:38 PM

    HyunJoong is so good looking. I can't believe that this was shot at the height of the incident last January.

  3. Hi Liezle,

    There's a Youtube version of this video posted by WWloveHJL:

    WWloveHJL also posted KHJ version of Samsung Card CF Why Not:

    From the making of this CF, I agree Hyun Joong is such a tease ^ ^

    By the way did you get to do any sightseeing while you were in Bangkok? Or were you too busy stalking the SS501 boys? ^^

    I haven't seen all the fan cams you posted yet, there are so many. But I appreciate all your hard work for posting all the videos and pictures. I get to see the part that I missed from the concert. I was sitting at the 4500 zone so I missed many things. But the live atmosphere was great. I had a blast at the concert.

  4. Hi there Y! Thanks for the links! I'll be putting that up after i publish this post. ^^

    I have some fancams but decided not to put them since the fancams of the others are better. I just posted the photos that I took. It was a great experience and I we were really so close to the stage.

    Nope didn't go sightseeing but this stingy person did some shopping and had 2 massage. ^^

    Probably when the boys go to Thailand again we could meet. ^^


  5. shirbo4:50 PM

    haha the PS it got it!! haha will reupload all my videos soon...trying not to be lazy now =)

  6. Anonymous8:58 PM

    HE IS SOOOO ADORABLE!!!!!!!!!!!! *breathe!!! breathe!!!!!* *ahhhhhhhhh!!!* runs away hiding face*

  7. Hi Liezle,

    Here's another KHJ's Samsung CF. This time it's a pink exercise ball. Posted by lovekhj0606:

    Ooh..Thai Massage? I've never tried that.

    ^^ hope the boys will come back to Thailand again, we can meet then. ^^


  8. hey there shirley! hehehehe sounds familiar, yah? alright can't wait for your fancam since you really have a good seat and your solo of leader is the best I've seen. so better post it and the rest of what you've taken. ^^


  9. hi there again Y! yup Thai massage... 'love it.^^

    oh yeah hope they come back and we'll try to fly again to your country. ^^


  10. HJL's Samsung CF compiled video! so cute! :)

  11. Hi again Liezle,

    I don't mean to keep doing this. I don't know if you want it or not since it's the same video. But there's an English subbed version of the "Making" posted by Hurmutube2 and translated by NulSaRangHaeS2@youtube.

    He's even cuter when I can understand what he said at the end ^^

