
Monday, February 01, 2010

[Eng Trans] Young Saeng left a message on DSP webby!

See what have i told you? It's Young Saeng's turn!

3 down 2 to go ! ^-^ My next guess is Kyu Jong. ^^

oh...oh... he even went to TOK to chat!


[Eng Trans] Young Saeng: Hello~~~~~~...^-^ (2010-02-01 AM 3:19:10)
Translation by ♥ HYS ♥ / liezle's blog

After midnight will be 1st Feb..Today is the day where SS501 debut for 1700 days.. ^^
Didn't realized that I haven't post any messages for 2 years..
Though the website has some changes.. but my profile is still remain the same~
My weight is no longer 63kg~~~ hehe

Maybe didn't post message for a long time... seems to forget on how to use the system correctly~ ^^;;

Weather is getting colder recently~~ Have to be more careful not have catch a cold!!
Many people caught a cold nowadays~~ have to beware of H1N1 flu too!!!!
Must remember to wash hand after coming back from outside!!~~ ^^

Frankly speaking... really sorry to everybody for shortening the activities in Korea~~
The concerts.. and all other schedules~~ that's why this has to be shortened..
Nevertheless, will give our best performances the next time you see us!! ^^

Well.. SS501 has debut 1700 days... Feels like.. time has passed very fast.. ^^
We have already become senior idols. haha
Many juniors have debut in Korea programs~~
We have reached the mid 20s..ㅡㅡ;; and soon will reach 30s~ ^^
But..!! You have become old too while reading this message!!!!!!!!!!
You have spent many days with us togther~~~ hahahaha~~;;

I didn't post message for a long time?!? Well... really very sorry for writing so late~~~'s a brand new feeling... to post a message after 2 years~~ ^^

Anyway!!! 1700 days~~ thankful for family's support!!!thankful for all the fans!!
Please continue.. to be happy!!! Continue to work hard~~
Wish everbody..have many good things in the new year~~~~~~~~~~~~~~^^
Forget all the unhappiness..hard time...
2010 a brand new year!!! Let the Year of Tiger fill with all the good time and things~~~~~~~~hea
2010 is the year of Hyun Joong and mine~~~ ha
Dongsaengs please work hard too!! But.. this year is Hyung's let us hyungs show off, ok~~?
Those who are born in the same Tiger year as me...there are some right~~? ^^
Wish you all a happy new year~~ ^^
Will let everybody see the best side of us... during the concerts~~!!


YS Original message in hangul

영생 : 안녕~~~하세요...^-^ (2010-02-01 오전 3:19:10)

12시가 지나 2월1일.. 오늘이 SS501이 대뷔한지 1700일이 되는 날이네요..^^

어느덧 보니까.. 글을 안쓴지도 2년이 되었구요..

사이트가 조금 변했다고 했는데.. 프로필은 그대로네요~ㅋㅋ

나 몸무게 63아닌데~~ㅋㅋ

오랜만에 글을 남기려니까... 뭐라 써야 할지 모르겠네요~^^;;

이제 슬슬 날씨도 풀려가요~~ 그럴때일수록 감기 조심해야되요!!!ㅋ

요즘 사람들 감기 많이 걸리던데~~ 인플루엔자도 조심하구요!!!^^

외출하고 집에 돌아와서는 꼭!! 손을 씻구요~~^^

참.. 활동 짧게 해서 미안해요~~ㅠㅠ

콘서트도 있고.. 여러가지로~~ 짧게 할수 밖에 없었어요..ㅠㅠ

그래도 다음에는 더 멋지고 더 많은 활동 할수 있도록 노력할게요!!!^^

음.... SS501이 1700일이 되었다니까.. 시간이 빨리 흘러가는구나.. 느껴지네요..^^

어느덧 우리도 고참아이돌이 되었으니..ㅋㅋ

방송국가면 후배들이 많이 있더라구요~~

벌써 20대 중반에 들어서는..ㅡㅡ;; 이러다 30대도 금방 오겠어요~^^

근데..!! 이거 읽고 있는 당신도 늙는다는거!!!!!!!!!

같이 세월을 보내는거죠~~~ 하하하하~~;;

글 오랜만에?!; 아니.. 늦게 올려서 미안해요~~~

그래도.. 2년만에 남기니까.. 느낌이 새롭네요~~^^

암튼!!! 1700일~~ 자축도 하고!! 팬여러분들께 고맙기도 하고!!!


  1. liezle dear.. check your email.. hahaha

  2. Much much thanks dear! ^_^

    See you soon.


  3. Wow, wow, wow!! Msg from YS, it's really a huge surprise cause he's always so quiet. Loved this message to bits from him ^^ - full of fun and happiness. Thanks Liezle for sharing. Me love starting my week on a positive note like this kekeke.

  4. Anonymous10:34 AM

    thank you ♥ HYS ♥ and liezle for sharing the translation of YS's message. I miss him the most!

  5. Anonymous11:22 AM

    ys is cute.. my weight is no longer 63 kg...hahhaha..
    it's okay, it's been 1700 days, if u got fat a bit, it's natural.

    we as fans get old together with u, even need 1700days again, will support ss501.
    fighting ss501.

  6. love him sooooooo much my badboy^^
    his message so funny...hahaha

    2010 a brand new year!!! Let the Year of Tiger fill with all the good time and things~~~~~~~~hea
    2010 is the year of Hyun Joong and mine~~~ ha
    Dongsaengs please work hard too!! But.. this year is Hyung's let us hyungs show off, ok~~?

    yeah thats right,you need to show off young saengiee.
    missing you<33

  7. Anonymous11:34 AM

    thank you Liezle for sharing ^_^ This totally made my day.

    ~and yes Saengie, please show off more ^_~♥

  8. Anonymous11:54 AM

    saengiee ah~~
    please show off more and more than the last year...
    love you<333

  9. Anonymous12:02 PM last he wrote the message for his fansT_T

    im really happy...had been long time didnt heard anything about him^^

    saengie saranghae<33

  10. Anonymous12:07 PM

    lately i didnt come to visit liezle corner cos didnt have any news about YS but today....*shocked*

    omg....he left message?is't true???

    love him more and more...and thats right what the anonymous said...please show off more and more saengie ah~~

  11. Anonymous12:47 PM

    i read in SS501 ufo...he chat with the fans...20min...omg...

    he's sooooooo funny...
    become more handsome and taller^^
    hahaha...saengie ah~~

  12. OMG!!!This really make me can't stop smiling in front of my computer^^ He hears our voice who missing him^^ He so cute^__^
    "My weight is no longer 63kg~~~ hehe"
    no matter what you always being my prince...hehehe~~~^^

  13. Anonymous3:18 PM


    saengie having fun in those holidays and we here like crazy cos missing him sooo much!!badboy hahahaha

  14. Anonymous3:32 PM

    20 minutes spent chatting with fans? That's true idol commitment!! No wonder Young Saeng is one of the best :)

    Do show us more of yourself in 2010! Love Saengie forever, aja aja~~~

  15. I'm really surprise when reading his diary... It's been too long. >_< Hahaha I'm loving it. Young Saeng is just tooooo adorable.

    Yes, there are also those who are the year of tiger. kekekeke I am one of them <3 <3 <3

  16. Anonymous8:52 AM

    ITS A MIRACLE!!! FINALLY!!! OMG i really thought he will not do these kind of stuff e.g. leaving/posting a message or chatting but he did! i am incredously glad he did this! I miss each and everyone of them especially Saengie and Kyu the most.

    Thanks Liezle for sharing this update that has made millions of Saengie's fans smiling :D kamsahamnida! (A)
