
Friday, March 19, 2010

as they say they will be together until they're ahjussi

Just when I needed something like this. Thanks xiaochu for translating this and sharing on Quainte501.

I wonder when this posting came out and where.


03/17 [trans] SS501 – No other groups who cherishes and relies on each other like they do

Credits : + (Chinese Translation) redcat111 @ + (English Translation) xiaochu @


There are no other groups who cherishes and relies on each other like they do

There was once when they went to Japan for BOF activities, KyuJong's photo was stick onto HyunJoong's passport
Lee MinHo's fan asked "HyunJoong oppa, why do you have KyuJong oppa's photo?"
"To see it when I miss (him/them) ^^"
They're always together, but at the same time still missing them.....
This is really like them.....^^

One MBC PD said :
"There are almost no other groups who cherishes and relies on each other like SS501.
They cherish each other unconsciously.
They even go to the toilet with all 5 together ^^"

SS501 manager said :
"The dailed phone history of the boys have no one else besides themselves...."
They're always together....

And the first thing that the boys say when they meet each other,
is blurting out jokingly "Did you miss me?"

JungMin would joke to HyungJoon every morning "BoBo (kiss)", and HyungJoon will go "CHU~"
These boys are just thinking nonsenses.......
But to me, they look so cute ^^

What is unreasonable?
Rumors that the members did not get along well?
501 lives together like this ^^
Your relationships are good and it's very very great to see you in harmony
SS501 with love


  1. They really have a strong and close brotherhood within them...SS501 and Triple s are always together.... United as one Forever!!!

  2. pandora11:42 AM

    thanks for sharing, liezle! i was having SS501 withdrawal syndrome after the persona concert wrap-up, and with Human Theater being cancelled, things kinda gotten slow.

    The 'did you miss me?' part is just so cute, as well as hyun joong carrying kyu's photo with him. it made me think of the BOF behind-the-scenes footage of hyun joong carving SS501 into the ice sculpture. i could tell me misses them a lot there.

    at first i thought 'going to the bathroom together' is a bit too much, but then i thought it's very practical esp. if they're doing activities, since they don't have to search for each other all the time. but that's only my take on that...

    disagreements(and maybe fights to some extent) are given, but down right 'not getting along well' rumour? as a fan, i admit that it's hard to believe. i hope that remains just that, a rumour. SS501 Fighting!!!

    thanks again for sharing!

  3. Aww!!

    They are super cute! Thanks for sharing liezle! Hope that this relationship will last forever...


  4. ahhh this was soo refreshing. especially after coming out of a maths methods test.. huuhhh

    yeah okay hyun joong carrying pic of kyu jong, is so cute, i believe that. them going to th etoilet together, i believe, them jokingly ask if they missed each other, i also believe, but the phone calls are too exxaggerated. as much as i would like to believe it, its just too impossible lol..

    anyway, overall, i believe that ss501 is a very closely bonded band cuz they jus click with each other.. and yeah, hyun joong carving ss501 on the ice was just reli cute.. i watched the clip and i cried cus i thought he forgot bout them wen he was riding the fame ride.. lol
    ss501 Hwaiting~

  5. Anonymous3:05 PM

    of course they are close -having gone through the rough ride together-personality differences exist and irritaions are inevitable -just like in a real biological family .The fact that they can survive all that means something -as long as they can give allowances to each other and tolerate their idiosyncracies they will do just fine .

  6. Anonymous6:28 PM

    wondered when did all these take place. I used to think that the bond was pretty tight.

    but lately, am not so convinced anymore! they, like all of us are human after all.

    in this industry, sometime what you see might not be what you get!

    the only sure and constant thing is change!

    to each its own, and still wish them all the best! come what may, I will not hide and will be beside you always! Fighting!

  7. OMG, Liezle I've not come online for 2 weeks! I missed you so :(. Work & more work kept me away. I finally came here & saw this post. I'm feeling all warm and fuzzy. This just confirms what we've been talking about many nights ago ^^

    Thanks so much for sharing & Xiaochu for trans. I've so much to catch up!

  8. Really love this group. .
    I wish that I can meet them one time. .
    especially Young Saeng oppa. .^^
