
Monday, March 01, 2010

cry babies

Thanks to HSScandal for capturing this emotional moment of SS501 before they performing 'Green Peas'. I don't have with me the translation yet but basically, the boy were talking about the past experiences which made them very emotional. Before Leader started to cry, it was Kyu Jong who cried first while watching the video of them during their earlier days. Despite the sad feelings the they keep of telling the fans to wathc out for their comeback.


  1. Anonymous9:56 AM

    to any kind soul who can translate, please share^^ thanKYU

  2. Anonymous4:32 PM

    Indeed cry babies... J0onie cried a lot as well with kyu. What a t0uching m0ment and pp0l who witnessed this is really lucky... I wish im there also to cry with our leader, t0o bad i transferred to a far place... Thank u for this!

    Any pictures taken during th0se sad m0ments???

