
Sunday, March 07, 2010

[FanCam] Post Party Celebration

I'm so amazed on how these fans were able to get this private time of the boys, staffs and organizers after the concert last week.

Anyway, thanks to czakhareina and crazynoona for the tips on SS501 thread @ soompi and of course to Charlene love SS501/Peastudio of Baidu for the exclusive video and photos.

Click HERE to watch the 1.29 minutes video.

Oh yeah Jung Min looks cute from a far.

There's Jung Min and Maknae.

Jung Min laughing at something. Maknae on the left.

Uhh, who's that Maknae is talking to?

Leader taking a shot. Beside him is DSP President I think
doing a 'Kampai' [is my spelling correct?]

Young Saeng and Kyu Jong were not on any of the photos but I read that Young Saeng left early and Maknae. They had a great time at the celebration dinner.


  1. wanna see saengie....hmm
    alr miss himT_T

  2. shirbogurl3:55 PM

    no pics of kyu =(

    awww ys left early....

  3. yea.. why ys left early..why why why... so sad...

  4. Shirley, Kyu Jong is in the video with Leader, right?

    Brenda, probably Young Saeng got too tired that is why he left early.

    Btw, I read that Kyu Jong and Jung Min were giving out signatures at the restaurant. Their just the nicest. ^_^


  5. only his back view..hahaha....

    tired?!?! my boy?!?! NEV........ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR... hahahah

  6. shirbogurl4:18 PM

    HAHAH i cant stop laughin from ur comments!! haha

    the white shirt black hat guy?? cant even see the face....doesnt count

    and yes YS tired?!?! NEVERRRR!!! haha

  7. oh yeah and he has insomnia. then he probably left early because he has a date. ^_^ oppsie... no throwing of anything here. ^^

  8. shirbogurl4:32 PM

    haha good guess there

    btw liezle, u miss our spamming of ur postings?!

  9. what?!?!? date?!?!?

    *spotlight is on...brenda's on the floor.... one hand's on....*
    drama leh... that's so not me.. hahaah

  10. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Maybe YS left early to go to SNSD celeb jkjk On the fancam video Kyu is the one wearing a baseball cap and YS beside him with dark shirt.

  11. shirbogurl4:43 PM

    haha brenda...spotlight IS on...lucky no drama!! haha

  12. Hi Anonymous 4:40. Hmm could be but should be Leader with him? ^^

    Oh I though it's Leader that's sitting beside Kyu Jong. 66

  13. LOLx @ anonymous's comment.. hahaha...
    SNSD celebration somemore.. hahaha

    Wow.. i didn't know somebody has a X-ray eyes.. can see through the video and the signboard and determine which one is YS.. powderful.. i like.. hahaha

  14. shirbogurl5:13 PM

    haha that video...really cant tell whos who but then again, i've only watched it once or twice haha

    yeah brenda...POWERFUL!!! haha

  15. Anonymous11:11 PM

    clearer version of Leader in the party... soooooo cute >3<
