
Monday, March 29, 2010

On U-Kiss once again ^_^

I saw U-Kiss once again. ^_^ First time was yesterday at GMA Studio. Click HERE to know my experience meeting them for the first time.

Alright, I'm not really into going to mall shows. Some of my closest friends and even those who went to concerts with me know about this, I don't like crowd much. The reason is because I always ended up getting my hair pulled. I've a very long hair so whenever people are just passing by my back or just standing very close to me they tend pull my hair unintentionally. [Geez, i remember SS501 Person in HK. My hair got pulled several times by a led light and some boards with so many glitters]

Anyway, so why was I at the last mall tour of U-Kiss? I went to watch them of course but I didn't have to fight over a small space to see them. Thanks to the staff of ULC and of course C, B and a very nice staff of Premiere.

I came in just a few minutes before the show started. [Had to drive for only 15 minutes from my place to the mall which normally will take 30 minutes because i'm running late ^^] The venue is already jampacked when I got in. C is already starting to get worried how we're going to get in including some of her friends.

Security of the mall as well as Universal Records are very very strict. They wouldn't first allow us entrance despite us getting endorsement from one of C's friends. They started to shoo as away just minutes before the show started. But luckily I wasn't one of them and I tagged along C with me so that she can find a way on how to help her other friends who were asked to move at the back.

As the show started C's other friends are still at the back, she's worried. While me on the other hand is already watching the boys on the side and taking videos and photos. Thanks to the very kind staff of ULC for accommodating us. ^^

The first song that U-Kiss performed is 'Man Man Hi'.

After singing 'Man Man Hi' they did their usual greetings. They're very happy to see many fans came to attend their last mall show. I wasn't really much listening here as someone caught my attention which is quite bothering. Anyway, after they've greeted everyone they then did their own rendition of 'As Long As You Love Me' by Backstreet Boys.

After singing 'As Long As You Love Me', there was again an interview. One of them even said [not sure if it's Alexander or Kevin] that they've been to too many countries but the reception they got here is the hottest.

During this time, I've noticed too that they're very very nice to fans and kinda flirty too [especially Soo Hyun] . Fans are so happy at the fan service the boys are doing. ^^

At one point of the interview, the host even asked the fans who's the sexiest amongst the members and 3 of them even did sexy dance. But Kevin brought the house down when he said 'Hi I'm Jessica' [of SNSD] and did a sexy dance. ^^

The host also asked the member how they will describe their first stay in the country. It's Eli who answered and he said something like 'This is my first stay in the Philippines and it's the best time in my life'.Awww....

At the end of this interview I still feel my friend C getting worried about her friends who are far and not enjoying the show much then finally C saw B. Thank God! At this time we were able to go to the VIP seats and C's friends were able to go inside. So from here it, I'm just again a few feet away from the U-Kiss. ^_^ So I watched, took videos and photos, likewise waited until the fan signing was over.

As we sit at the VIP section and watch U-Kiss much closer everyone is happy and satisfied.

Their last song before the fan signing is 'Binguel Binguel'. Here's the vid of that. In the video you'll also see some of the photos that I took

As their last song ended, everyone got excited because it signaled the start of fan signing. Like I said we just stayed inside. Had I brought CD i would have had the chance to have it signed by all of them. But I didn't. Anyway, C though got her photos [of yesterday with all the boys as well her solo photo with Ki Bum] signed without getting into the line. Lucky her! I should have printed mine too. My 2nd boo boo for the day.

During fan signing, they signed 600 cds. But I was told that since the day they arrived [Friday] Universal Records was able to sell 3,000 copies of their cds! That's an amazing number for kpop here! Congratulations to U-Kiss!

At the fan signing, the boys were very accommodating to fans despite the repeated instructions from the host that only signing and handshake are allowed. They really made so many fans in this country very happy.

When the singing is over they again all went in front to thank everyone and bid goodbye. They also mentioned that they will be back for a concert soon [though it has been announced already that it's May 29]. So everyone, better save up now and do not miss the opportunity of seeing U-Kiss performs at the Big Dome, k? There's still time to save. Don't say that I didn't tell, alright? ^^

After the show, U-Kiss immediately left for Seoul. I'm sure they'll remember their 3-days here and hopefully will brag about its success.

This month, I've seen two k-pop artists, FT Island which had a fan signing event and Showcase and U-Kiss with 3 fan signing event and performances. Both shows were well attended. Next month, April 10 I think will be the real test if kpop artists can hold a concert here. Super Junior will be performing at the Araneta Coliseum [Big Dome]. Big Dome with stage at the center can accommodate 15,ooo.

As of this writing, I'm still not sure whether to watch or not. I'll only know a few days before or on the day itself. I'm not sure too how the ticket sale is going but I think I've to dig in for some info later. I hope that the concert will be a successful one so that SS501 can also come and have concert here in the future. ^^

Anyway, at this point let me know share with you the photos that I've taken. ^^


  1. hey nice pics and videos. i was there also. just to see how the people are. it was so nice to see so many people there and the screaming was non-stop =)

    i couldnt really stay long to watch, i was with my husband hahaha

  2. and we were inside the capdase store, btw. so it was a pretty nice spot as well =)

  3. hi there liezle....
    welll what more can i say.
    u're a lucky girl today!!!!
    n as for the super junior concert..
    i really recommended you to go since they're really have an awesome performance here in Malaysia on 20/3/2010..
    and their fan service too were really great! you would not feel any regret after the show...i sure you..ehehehe..
    all the best ya? hehe
